Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Animals

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Improve your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary with our comprehensive list of Mandarin Chinese sentences about animals, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners, our resource offers 20 engaging sentences to enhance your linguistic skills. Dive into the fascinating world of animals while mastering essential Mandarin Chinese phrases. Whether you’re looking to expand your vocabulary or practice pronunciation, Clozemaster's interactive sentences with audio are your ideal tool for learning. Boost your fluency and understanding of Mandarin Chinese with our carefully curated examples. Visit Clozemaster now and take your language abilities to the next level with our targeted Mandarin Chinese language resources.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 乌鸦飞走了。

    The crow flew away.

  • 企鹅生活在北极吗?

    Do penguins live in the Arctic?

  • 你看到一只生病的麋鹿吗?

    Did you see a sick moose?

  • 她是一名兽医,喜欢猫。

    She's a veterinarian who loves cats.

  • 我不是一只企鹅。

    I am not a penguin.

  • 我不能用一头公牛来耕地。

    I cannot plow this land with one bull.

  • 我们在花园里发现了一只乌龟。

    We found a turtle in the garden.

  • 我被蜜蜂蜇了。

    I got stung by a bee.

  • 打雷的暴风雨吓坏了狗。

    The thundering storm frightened the dog.

  • 汤姆和玛丽救了一只畸形小猫。

    Tom and Mary rescued an orphaned kitten.

  • 渡渡鸟是一种已经灭绝的物种。

    The dodo is an already extinct species.

  • 狗在咬汤姆。

    The dog is biting Tom.

  • 猫喵喵叫。

    The cat meows.

  • 玛丽有一只小羊,它的绒毛洁白如雪。

    Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.

  • 老虎在动物园里四处游荡。

    The tigers prowled around the zoo.

  • 蜂巢里满是蜂蜜。

    The beehive was full of honey.

  • 蜂鸟是世界上最小的鸟。

    The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.

  • 金鱼还活着。

    The goldfish is alive.

  • 鸟儿们正在欢快地歌唱。

    The birds are singing cheerfully.

  • 鸟儿向南飞去,寻找温暖。

    The birds flew south in search of warmth.

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