Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Environment

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Welcome to our focused resource designed to enhance your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary through engaging environment-themed sentences! Dive into our curated collection of 20 Mandarin Chinese sentences complete with native text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. This interactive learning experience is perfect for intermediate Mandarin Chinese speakers aiming to master essential environment-related phrases. Whether you're looking to expand your knowledge on ecological topics or sharpen your language skills, our platform provides an effective and immersive way to learn pivotal Mandarin Chinese vocabulary and phrases. Start now and take a significant step towards fluency while exploring the wonders of environmental terminology in Mandarin Chinese!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 世界各地的冰川正在融化。

    Glaciers around the world are melting.

  • 太阳能板正在生成电力。

    The solar panels are generating electricity.

  • 干旱导致了严重的水资源短缺。

    The drought caused a severe water shortage.

  • 总统宣布了新的气候政策。

    The president announces new climate policies.

  • 我们受到环境的影响。

    We are influenced by our environment.

  • 我们必须努力保护环境。

    We must try to protect the environment.

  • 我喜欢新鲜的空气。

    I like fresh air.

  • 我被要求就能源节约问题发表一些看法。

    I was asked to make a few remarks on energy conservation.

  • 比起塑料杯,我更喜欢纸制杯子。

    I prefer paper cups to plastic ones.

  • 气候变化影响着所有人类。

    Climate change affects all of humankind.

  • 池塘结冰了。

    The pond froze over.

  • 海洋洋流可能很危险。

    Ocean currents can be dangerous.

  • 煤和天然气是天然的燃料。

    Coal and natural gas are natural fuels.

  • 珊瑚礁吸引着各种美丽的海洋生物。

    Coral reefs attract a variety of beautiful marine life.

  • 生物学家研究濒危物种。

    The biologist studied the endangered species.

  • 神社衰败的部分原因是酸雨。

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • 请把你的垃圾扔进外面的垃圾桶。

    Please put your waste in the bins outside.

  • 这些杯子是一次性的。

    The cups are disposable after one use.

  • 这家人很快就融入了新环境。

    The family assimilated quickly into their new environment.

  • 这里的土壤非常肥沃。

    The soil here is fertile.

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