Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Feeling

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for expanding your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary with practical and emotive expressions. Our curated list of 20 sentences about "Feeling" is designed specifically for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners eager to express emotions with fluency and confidence. Each of our Mandarin Chinese sentences comes equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations, enabling you to not only learn the phrases but also perfect your pronunciation. Engage with our interactive platform and elevate your command of Mandarin Chinese vocabulary as you navigate the nuances of conveying feelings through authentic Mandarin Chinese phrases. Start mastering the emotional lexicon of Mandarin today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 云层之上,飞行员感受到了无界限的自由。

    Above the clouds, the pilot felt a freedom without boundaries.

  • 从游乐设施下来后,我感到有点恶心。

    I feel a bit queasy after the ride.

  • 他对这个谜有一种直觉。

    He had a hunch about the mystery.

  • 他感觉像在家一样。

    He feels at home.

  • 他醒来时感到迷茫和混乱。

    He woke up feeling disoriented and confused.

  • 你看起来并不确定。

    You look unsure.

  • 喝杯茶来提神醒脑。

    Refresh yourself with a cup of tea.

  • 她对自己的决定感到满足。

    She felt content with her decision.

  • 她快要哭出来了。

    She was on the verge of crying.

  • 忙碌了一天,我感到困倦。

    I feel sleepy after a long day.

  • 我们能从阅读好书中得到乐趣。

    From reading good books we can derive pleasure.

  • 我对他感到同情。

    I feel pity for him.

  • 我希望明天能通过考试。

    I am hoping to pass the test tomorrow.

  • 我想回家。

    I want to go home.

  • 我感到重生了。

    I felt reborn.

  • 我感觉焕然一新了。

    I feel refreshed.

  • 我的心扑通扑通地跳。

    My heart is pounding.

  • 我起床时感到眩晕。

    I felt dazed when I got up.

  • 我需要喘口气。

    I need a breather.

  • 这种组合在嘴里留下了不好的味道。

    The combination leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

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