Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Geography

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Welcome to your ultimate resource for enhancing your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary with essential geography terms! Our carefully curated list of 20 Mandarin Chinese sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, is designed to bolster your understanding of geography-related Mandarin Chinese phrases. Ideal for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners, this interactive platform allows you to hear the pronunciation of each sentence, aiding in your language acquisition journey. Dive into our engaging collection and master the geographic vocabulary that will enrich your conversations and knowledge of the Mandarin-speaking world. Start learning now and navigate the linguistic map of Mandarin Chinese with confidence!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 不,我是一个英国人。

    No, I am an Englishman.

  • 世界各国的旗帜在联合国总部骄傲地飘扬。

    Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters.

  • 中国比日本大得多。

    China is much larger than Japan.

  • 从他的口音判断,那个人应该是苏格兰人。

    From his accent, I would guess that man is Scottish.

  • 企鹅生活在北极吗?

    Do penguins live in the Arctic?

  • 你会唱阿根廷的国歌吗?

    Can you sing the Argentine National Anthem?

  • 你的国家有瀑布吗?

    Are there waterfalls in your country?

  • 大海在这里收窄成一道海峡。

    At this point, the sea narrows into a strait.

  • 她将迁居新西兰。

    She will be relocated to New Zealand.

  • 州府就在赤道上。

    The capital of the state is right on the equator.

  • 德国产生了许多科学家。

    Germany produced many scientists.

  • 我们飞越了大西洋。

    We flew across the Atlantic Ocean.

  • 纽约夏季天气炎且潮湿。

    New York weather is hot and humid in the summer.

  • 罗马尼亚是一个位于巴尔干半岛的国家。

    Romania is a Balkan country.

  • 肯尼亚曾经是英国的 殖民地。

    Kenya used to be a British colony.

  • 许多国际会议都在日内瓦举行。

    Many international conferences have been held in Geneva.

  • 这座山非常高。

    The mountain is very high.

  • 这是日本最深的湖。

    This is the deepest lake in Japan.

  • 这里的天气有它独特的特点。

    The weather here has its own unique characteristics.

  • 骆驼缓慢地穿越沙漠。

    The camels crossed the desert slowly.

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