Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Relationships

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Embark on your journey to fluent conversation with our curated collection of 20 engaging sentences about "Relationships" in Mandarin Chinese. Our interactive page is designed to enhance your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary and comprehension through context-rich Mandarin Chinese sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Ideal for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners, these phrases will help you navigate the intricate dynamics of relationships while mastering the nuances of the language. Strengthen your linguistic skills by immersing yourself in quintessential Mandarin Chinese phrases that bring you one step closer to fluency. Explore our resource now and elevate your command of Mandarin Chinese!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他对待我像对待孩子一样。

    He treats me as a child.

  • 他有很多熟人。

    He has a lot of acquaintances.

  • 你是我的朋友。

    You are my friend.

  • 你的自私会让你失去朋友。

    Your selfishness will lose you your friends.

  • 她背叛了他的信任。

    She betrayed his trust.

  • 安娜透露自己是个女同性恋。

    Anna revealed she's a lesbian.

  • 我不会被她的诡计所蒙蔽。

    I refuse to be taken in by her guile.

  • 我们有共同的兴趣。

    We have common interests.

  • 我信任她。

    I trust her.

  • 我很少见到他。

    I see him rarely.

  • 我感激你的支持。

    I appreciate your support.

  • 我把秘密告诉了汤姆。

    I told the secret to Tom.

  • 我的哥哥是同性恋。

    My brother is gay.

  • 汤姆一直在秘密地联系玛丽。

    Tom has secretly been contacting Mary.

  • 汤姆一直在躲避玛丽。玛丽。

    Tom has been avoiding Mary.

  • 汤姆有两个女朋友。

    Tom has two girlfriends.

  • 汤姆给玛丽发送了一条消息。

    Tom sent Mary a message.

  • 没有人相信他了。

    No one trusts him anymore.

  • 给汤姆一个吻。

    Give Tom a kiss.

  • 那对情侣紧紧地拥抱了对方。

    The couple embraced each other tightly.

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