Welsh Sentences About At the Doctor

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive resource designed to boost your Welsh vocabulary and grasp essential Welsh phrases, especially when navigating the topic "At the Doctor". Here, we present a curated selection of 20 intermediate Welsh sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Engage with practical Welsh sentences to confidently converse in medical contexts and enrich your language learning journey. Whether you're a dedicated language enthusiast or a committed learner aiming to refine your intermediate Welsh skills, our interactive platform is the perfect tool to master critical expressions with ease. Get ready to elevate your linguistic prowess and tackle healthcare conversations in Welsh!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Beth yw'r symptomau?

    What are the symptoms?

  • Bydd y meddyg yn rhyddhau chi yfory.

    The doctor will discharge you tomorrow.

  • Cafodd y tiwmor ei dynnu yn llwyddiannus.

    The tumor was successfully removed.

  • Daeth y meddyg ar unwaith.

    The doctor came immediately.

  • Fydd gen i graith?

    Will I have a scar?

  • Ges i bigiad wenynen.

    I got a bee sting.

  • Gorweddwch ar y bwrdd archwiliad.

    Lie down on the examination table.

  • Gwellodd y meddyg ei salwch.

    The doctor cured his illness.

  • Mae angen i mi wneud apwyntiad gyda'r deintydd.

    I need to make an appointment with the dentist.

  • Mae fy dant yn brifo.

    My tooth hurts.

  • Mae fy meddyg yn un gwych wrth erchwyn gwely.

    My doctor has an excellent bedside manner.

  • Mae'n mynychu cynadleddau meddygol.

    He attends medical conferences.

  • Mae'n rhaid i chi gymryd y moddion peswch hwn.

    You must take this cough syrup.

  • Mae'r deintydd yn drilio i mewn i'r dant.

    The dentist is drilling into the tooth.

  • Mae twymyn yn symptom cyffredin o'r ffliw.

    Fever is a common symptom of flu.

  • Os oes gennych dystysgrif feddygol, dewch ag ef.

    If you have a medical certificate, bring it.

  • Roeddwn i'n cael fy niagnosio gyda niwmonia.

    I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

  • Roedd yn dioddef o afiechyd a effeithiodd ar ei ysgyfaint.

    He suffered from a disease that affected his lungs.

  • Roedd yn rhaid i Tom gael pigiad colera.

    Tom had to get a cholera shot.

  • Trodd y meddyg allan i fod yn gwac.

    The doctor turned out to be a quack.

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