Welsh Sentences About Describing Places

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Welcome to our Welsh vocabulary expansion page, designed to enhance your language skills with 20 descriptive Welsh sentences ideal for intermediate learners. Dive into the beauty of Wales by mastering key Welsh phrases that paint vivid pictures of places. With each sentence, you'll find convenient text-to-speech audio, ensuring your pronunciation is as captivating as the scenic Welsh landscapes. Whether you're planning a trip to Wales or just keen on refining your linguistic abilities, these carefully chosen Welsh sentences and their English translations will be an invaluable resource for you. Let's embark on this linguistic journey and bring the allure of Welsh places to life!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Am grisiau cul!

    What narrow stairs!

  • Amgylchynir yr eglwys gan goedwigoedd a llynnoedd.

    The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.

  • Am le hardd!

    What a beautiful place!

  • Does neb wedi croesi'r anialwch uffernol hwnnw ers cannoedd o flynyddoedd.

    No one has crossed that infernal desert in hundreds of years.

  • Dw i'n byw ar draws y stryd.

    I live across the street.

  • Fe wnaethon ni rentu cabin clyd yn y mynyddoedd.

    We rented a cozy cabin in the mountains.

  • Mae bwyd Chileaidd braidd yn unigryw.

    The Chilean cuisine is rather unique.

  • Mae ceginau Americanaidd yn llawer mwy na rhai Japaneaidd.

    American kitchens are much bigger than Japanese ones.

  • Mae fy nhŷ yn fawr.

    My house is big.

  • Mae'n byw mewn pentref.

    He lives in a village.

  • Maen nhw'n byw mewn cymdogaeth braf.

    They live in a nice neighborhood.

  • Maen nhw'n byw yn y maestrefi.

    They live in the suburbs.

  • Mae'r ffyrdd yn anwastad.

    The roads are bumpy.

  • Mae'r golygfeydd yn Rhufain yn syfrdanol.

    The sights in Rome are breathtaking.

  • Mae'r maes awyr ar yr ynys bellach wedi'i orchuddio â chwyn.

    The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds.

  • Nawr, gwelwn tu mewn y castell.

    Now, we see the interior of the castle.

  • Roedd Tom yn gallu clywed adar yn canu y tu allan i'w ffenestr.

    Tom could hear birds chirping outside his window.

  • Roedd y ddaear yn anwastad iawn.

    The ground was very uneven.

  • Roedd yr ardal amgylchynol yn dawel iawn.

    The surrounding area was very quiet.

  • Wrth weld o bellter, roedd yr ynys yn edrych fel cwmwl.

    Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.

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