Welsh Sentences About Emotions

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for expanding your Welsh vocabulary and mastering the language's nuances. Dive into our carefully curated collection of Welsh sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, focusing specifically on 'Emotions'. This invaluable resource is tailored for intermediate Welsh learners eager to express feelings accurately in everyday conversations. Embrace the opportunity to listen, repeat, and practice 20 expressive Welsh phrases, enhancing your linguistic skills and cultural understanding. Join the community of language enthusiasts and let Clozemaster guide you through the emotional spectrum of the Welsh language. Start learning now and add depth to your communication in Cymraeg!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Atebodd gyda gwên coeglyd.

    He answered with a sarcastic smile.

  • Cawsom dderbyniad gelyniaethus gan y pentrefwyr.

    We got a hostile reception from the villagers.

  • Dw i'n teimlo'n saffach yma.

    I feel safer here.

  • Dywedon nhw ffarwel olaf yn y maes awyr.

    They said a final farewell at the airport.

  • Fe edmygodd hi am ei dewrder.

    He admired her for her courage.

  • Felly mae cyfeillgarwch hefyd yn ofyniad ar gyfer hapusrwydd.

    So friendship is also a requirement for happiness.

  • Fe wnes i ofni yn ystod y ffilm arswyd.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Gwnaeth hi ddechrau beichio yn afreolus.

    She began to sob uncontrollably.

  • Mae ef wedi teimlo'n ddigalon iawn yn ddiweddar.

    He has felt very depressed recently.

  • Mae e'n ei ffansïo hi'n fwy na neb.

    He fancies her more than anyone.

  • Mae fy nghi bob amser mor ffyddlon.

    My dog is always so loyal.

  • Mae gwacter yn ysu fy nghalon

    An emptiness devours my heart.

  • Mae hi wastad yn annog fi i drio.

    She always encourages me to try.

  • Mae'r gân hon yn deimladwy iawn.

    This song is very touching.

  • Mae'r parti penblwydd yn cyffroi y plant.

    The birthday party excites the children.

  • Nid yw'n ddefnyddiol crio dros laeth a ollyngwyd.

    It is no use crying over spilt milk.

  • Ond am ennyd oedd y meddwl hwnnw.

    That thought was momentary.

  • Wnaeth ei arfer rhyfedd drysu hwynt

    His strange habit confounded them.

  • Wnaeth hi oresgyn yr anhawster.

    She overcame the difficulty.

  • Wyt ti wedi cynhyrfu?

    Are you upset?

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