Welsh Sentences About Games

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate tool for boosting your intermediate Welsh skills through interactive gaming! Our special collection of Welsh sentences about "Games" is accompanied by authentic text-to-speech audio and English translations, designed to enhance your Welsh vocabulary with ease. Engage with our dynamic interface to master key Welsh phrases and immerse yourself in the language as you play. Whether you're a dedicated learner or a language enthusiast, these carefully chosen sentences will help you gain confidence and fluency. Start your journey to Welsh proficiency with Clozemaster's engaging exercises today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Beth oedd y sgôr am hanner amser?

    What was the score at halftime?

  • Cawsom frwydr gyda pheli eira.

    We had a snowball fight.

  • Cwblhaodd Tom y pos jig-so.

    Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

  • Cymerwch gerdyn.

    Take a card.

  • Darn mewn gwyddbwyll yw'r castell.

    A rook is a chess piece.

  • Diolch i'ch twpdra, gollon ni'r gêm.

    Thanks to your stupidity, we lost the game.

  • Dw i'n chwarae gemau bwrdd er mwyn cymdeithasu.

    I play board games just to socialize.

  • Dw i wrth fy modd yn chwarae solitêr.

    I love playing solitaire.

  • Enillodd yn y gêm o wirwyr.

    He won at the game of checker.

  • Fe oedd enillydd y ras.

    He was the winner of the race.

  • Foneddigion a boneddigesau, dechreuwch y gêm.

    Ladies and gentlemen, start the game.

  • Gadewch i ni chwarae gêm o sboncen.

    Let's play a game of squash.

  • Gwnaeth Tom ennill yn erbyn Mary mewn draffts.

    Tom beat Mary at checkers.

  • Mae e'n gallu curo unrhywun mewn gwyddbwyll.

    He can beat anyone at chess.

  • Mae plant yn chwarae gyda thywod ar draethau.

    Children play with sand at beaches.

  • Nes i ei guro yn golff.

    I beat him at golf.

  • Nod y gêm hon yw ffrwydro yr holl fomiau ar y sgrin.

    The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen.

  • Prin oedd y gêm wedi dechrau pan wnaethon nhw sgorio y pwynt cyntaf.

    The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.

  • Taflwch y dis.

    Throw the dice.

  • Ydych chi erioed wedi chwarae dominos?

    Have you ever played dominoes?

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