Welsh Sentences About Health

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your Welsh vocabulary! Our page dedicated to "Health" in Welsh features a curated collection of 20 invaluable sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Dive into essential Welsh phrases and sharpen your language skills, whether you're an intermediate Welsh learner or simply aiming to enhance your command of everyday health-related terms. Listen, learn, and repeat to master the nuances of Welsh sentences and confidently converse on wellness topics. Navigate through our interactive exercises and embrace the journey to fluency with Clozemaster's engaging approach to language learning.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Does dim ysbytai yn y dref hon, felly mae'n rhaid i ni fynd i'r ddinas agosaf.

    There are no hospitals in this town, so we have to go to the nearest city.

  • Ewch ati i hydoddi y dabled mewn gwydraid o ddŵr.

    Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water.

  • Gwaed yw'r hylif sy'n gyfrifol am gylchrediad maetholion.

    Blood is the fluid responsible for the circulation of nutrients.

  • Mae eich pwls yn normal.

    Your pulse is normal.

  • Mae llawer o gleifion canser yn colli eu gwallt oherwydd y cemotherapi.

    Many cancer patients lose their hair because of the chemotherapy.

  • Mae llygod mawr yn cario'r pla.

    Rats carry the plague.

  • Mae'n alergaidd i lwch.

    He is allergic to dust.

  • Mae'r poen yn ddwys.

    The pain is intense.

  • Mae ysmygu yn arferiad drwg.

    Smoking is a bad habit.

  • Ni allaf stopio fy igian chwithig.

    I can't stop my embarrassing hiccups.

  • Roedd ei drwyn yn gwaedu.

    His nose bled.

  • Roedd fel petai hi'n mynd i llewygu.

    It seemed as if she was going to faint.

  • Roedd y feddyginiaeth a ddefnyddiwyd yn effeithiol iawn.

    The medicine used proved very effective.

  • Rwy'n ddiffuant yn gobeithio y byddwch yn gwella o'ch salwch yn fuan.

    I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness.

  • Sylwodd Tom fod Mary yn llipa.

    Tom noticed that Mary was limping.

  • Symptomau cychwynnol y clefyd yw twymyn a dolur gwddf.

    The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.

  • Tynnodd Tom cyhyr.

    Tom pulled a muscle.

  • Wnaeth hi tisian i'w phenelin, nid ei llaw.

    She sneezed into her elbow, not her hand.

  • Wyt ti'n teimlo'n iawn?

    Are you feeling okay?

  • Ydy hi'n gallu dioddef taith hir?

    Can she endure a long trip?

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