Welsh Sentences About Marriage

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Welcome to Clozemaster! Immerse yourself in learning with our collection of 20 Welsh sentences focused on the theme of "Marriage." Each sentence is equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Perfect for intermediate Welsh learners looking to expand their Welsh vocabulary, our list offers authentic Welsh phrases and expressions used in everyday conversations. Dive into the rich culture of Wales by mastering terms and sentences that relate to matrimonial topics, and take your Welsh language skills to new heights. Listen, repeat, and practice with Clozemaster – your go-to resource for becoming fluent in Welsh!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A fyddech chi'n ystyried priodi fi?

    Would you consider marrying me?

  • Arhosodd Jane heb ei phriodi yn ei phedwardegau.

    Jane remained unmarried into her forties.

  • Byddaf yn priodi chi.

    I will marry you.

  • Cafodd Tom dri phriodas a fethodd.

    Tom had three failed marriages.

  • Darparodd teulu'r briodferch waddol hael.

    The bride's family provided a generous dowry.

  • Hi yw fy wraig sipsi.

    She is my gypsy wife.

  • Mae e'n gwisgo modrwy briodas platinwm.

    He wears a platinum wedding ring.

  • Mae fy Romeo yn priodi Juliet.

    Romeo marries Juliet.

  • Mae gan Tom broblemau priodasol.

    Tom has marital problems.

  • Mae hi wedi bod yn briod ag ef ers degawd bellach.

    She has been married to him for a decade now.

  • Mae Mary yn aml yn dychmygu am ei phriodas.

    Mary often imagines her wedding.

  • Mae priodas yn codi ofn ar rai pobl.

    Marriage frightens some people.

  • Mae'r briodferch hon yn gorchuddio ei hwyneb â gorchudd.

    This bride is covering her face with a veil.

  • Priododd yn ei harddegau.

    She got married in her teens.

  • Roedd fy ngwraig eisiau mabwysiadu plentyn.

    My wife wanted to adopt a child.

  • Roedd Tom wedi priodi pan ddychwelodd e.

    Tom was wed when he returned.

  • Roedd y briodferch yn disgleirio.

    The bride was radiant.

  • Roedd yn briod hapus.

    He was happily married.

  • Rydw i'n briod i fenyw o Frasil.

    I am married to a Brazilian woman.

  • Sut oedd eich mis mêl?

    How was your honeymoon?

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