Welsh Sentences About Math

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Discover the world of numbers and equations while enhancing your Welsh vocabulary with Clozemaster's engaging collection of Welsh sentences themed around "Math". Our carefully curated list features 20 practical Welsh phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure you grasp the nuances of mathematical vocabulary in Welsh. Perfect for intermediate Welsh learners, our resource helps you master essential math-related terms and expressions. The interactive platform promotes active learning, making it easier for you to add these Welsh sentences to your linguistic arsenal. Take your understanding of intermediate Welsh to new heights as you unlock the language of mathematics with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Adiwch y colofn hon o ffigurau.

    Add up this column of figures.

  • Beth yw gwerth jar yn llawn o geiniogau?

    What is the worth of a jar full of pennies?

  • Cerddoriaeth yw enaid geometreg.

    Music is the soul of geometry.

  • Dwy waith saith yw un-deg-pedwar.

    Two times seven is fourteen.

  • Gwerthwyd naw deg y cant o'r cynnyrch.

    Ninety percent of the product was sold.

  • I gyfrifo'r cyfaint, lluoswch yr hyd â'r lled â'r dyfnder.

    To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the depth.

  • Mae dau plws dau yn hafal i bedwar.

    Two plus two equals four.

  • Mae dwy-traean o weithwyr y cwmni hwn yn beirianwyr.

    Two-thirds of the employees of this company are engineers.

  • Mae ganddi naw afal yn ei basged.

    She has nine apples in her basket.

  • Mae'n gwybod sut i gyfrifo ei gyflog.

    He knows how to calculate his salary.

  • Mae rhifyddeg yn hwyl ac yn gyffrous i mi.

    Arithmetic is fun and exciting for me.

  • Mae'r newidyn yn yr hafaliad hwn yn anhysbys.

    The variable in this equation is unknown.

  • Mae Saesneg yn anoddach i mi na mathemateg.

    English is tougher for me than math.

  • Mathemateg yw fy hoff ddosbarth.

    Mathematics is my favorite class.

  • Nid oes Gwobr Nobel mewn mathemateg.

    There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics.

  • Os ydych chi'n tynnu dau o ddeg, mae gennych wyth.

    Subtract two from ten and you have eight.

  • Pedwar lluosogi gan ddau yw wyth.

    Four multiplied by two is eight.

  • Roedd e'n deall yr hafaliad cymhleth.

    He understood the complex equation.

  • Torrwyd y pastai yn hanner.

    The pie was cut into halves.

  • Wnaeth hi ddatrys yr hafaliad cymhleth.

    She solved the complex equation.

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