Welsh Sentences About Numbers

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Welcome to our interactive page designed for learners aiming to expand their Welsh vocabulary, specifically with numbers. We've carefully crafted a collection of 20 valuable Welsh sentences accompanied by their English translations to aid in your grasp of numerical Welsh phrases. Ideal for intermediate Welsh learners, this resource provides you with authentic text-to-speech audio to ensure accurate pronunciation and enhance your listening skills. Dive into our educational assortment of Welsh phrases and start communicating numbers like a native speaker. With our engaging platform, mastering Welsh numbers and enriching your language repertoire has never been more accessible or enjoyable!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Agorodd 60 amgueddfeyddnewydd.

    Sixty new museums opened.

  • Cyfrwch i gant.

    Count to one hundred.

  • Dw i eisiau deg plat.

    I want ten plates.

  • Dwi eisiau pump o belenni cig.

    I want five meatballs.

  • Dwi'n hongian dau o glociau yn y gegin.

    I hang two clocks in the kitchen.

  • Ef oedd y degfed person i gyrraedd.

    He was the tenth person to arrive.

  • Enillodd o nifer fach o bleidleisiau.

    He won by a small number of votes.

  • Etholwyd chwe deg cynrychiolwyr.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Faint o ddigidau sydd gan y rhif hwnnw?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Faint o fodau dynol sy'n byw ar y Ddaear?

    How many human beings live on Earth?

  • Gwelais i pum dyn.

    I saw five men.

  • Mae deuddeg pensil ganddo.

    He has twelve pencils.

  • Mae gan yr ystafell ddwy ffenestr.

    The room has two windows.

  • Mae gen i chwech afal.

    I have six apples.

  • Mae gennym ni dair awyren.

    We have three planes.

  • Mae pedwar deg wyth morwyr ar fwrdd y llong.

    Forty-eight sailors are on board.

  • Mae pob peth da yn mynd i mewn fesul tri.

    All good things come in threes.

  • Rydym yn un-ar-ddeg ar y cwbl.

    We are eleven in all.

  • Sawl diwrnod sydd mewn flwyddyn naid?

    How many days are there in a leap year?

  • Tri yw fy hoff rif.

    Three is my favorite number.

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