Welsh Sentences About Technology

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your one-stop destination to enhance your intermediate Welsh vocabulary! Dive into our curated collection of 20 impactful Welsh sentences centered around the captivating world of 'Technology'. Each phrase comes with accurate English translations and lifelike text-to-speech audio, designed to bolster your language skills in a fun and interactive way. Perfect for learners seeking to master Welsh phrases, our resource helps you grasp the nuances of modern tech terminology. Embrace this engaging opportunity to enrich your linguistic repertoire and immerse yourself in the technological lexicon of the Welsh language!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Allwch chi lawrlwytho'r rhaglen hon?

    Can you download this program?

  • Anfonwch yr e-bost.

    Send the email.

  • Boddodd Sam allan y sŵn gyda'i glustffonau.

    Sam drowned out the noise with his headphones.

  • Bydd eich cyfrifiadur yn ailgychwyn sawl gwaith yn ystod y gosodiad.

    Your computer will restart several times during installation.

  • Dychwelodd y gronfa ddata werth nwl ar gyfer y maes hwnnw.

    The database returned a null value for that field.

  • Fe wnaeth y cyfluniad newydd wella'r system.

    The new configuration improved the system.

  • Gwnaeth robot.

    He made a robot.

  • Mae AI yn golygu Deallusrwydd Artiffisial

    AI means Artificial Intelligence.

  • Mae fy batri yn isel!

    My battery is low!

  • Mae nhw wedi datblygu cyfrifiaduron soffistigedig.

    They have developed sophisticated computers.

  • Mae'r cyfrinair rydych chi wedi'i nodi yn annilys.

    The password you have entered is invalid.

  • Mae'r ffôn yn hwylustod.

    The telephone is a convenience.

  • Mae robotiaid yn gallu gwrthsefyll amodau peryglus.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • Mae wedi'i awdurdodi i gael mynediad i ffeiliau.

    He is authorized to access files.

  • Nid yw'r peiriant gwerthu hwn yn gweithio.

    This vending machine is out of order.

  • Os nad oes gennych y rhaglen hon, gallwch chi ei llawrlwytho nawr.

    If you do not have this program, you can download it now.

  • Prynodd Tom gamera a trybedd.

    Tom bought a camera and a tripod.

  • Rwy'n ddiolchgar am dechnoleg.

    I am thankful for technology.

  • Rydym yn profi'r fersiwn beta.

    We are testing the beta version.

  • Ydyn nhw wedi cysylltu antena y radio?

    Have they connected the radio antenna?

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