Welsh Sentences About Travel

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Discover the joy of learning with Clozemaster, your ultimate source for expanding your Welsh vocabulary! Our carefully curated page offers 20 practical Welsh sentences centered on the exciting theme of “Travel”, perfect for intermediate Welsh learners eager to enhance their language skills. Each Welsh phrase comes equipped with text-to-speech audio, allowing you to hear the natural pronunciation, and is paired with English translations to ensure your understanding. Listen, practice, and repeat to master common Welsh travel vocabulary and phrases. So whether you're planning a trip or just love learning new languages, our interactive platform is here to help you take your Welsh proficiency to new heights.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aeth y gofodwyr i'r lleuad mewn roced.

    The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.

  • Cafodd traffig ei rwystro gan dirlithriad.

    Traffic was blocked by a landslide.

  • Cwrddais i â Tom yn Awstralia.

    I met Tom in Australia.

  • Cyn i chi gyrraedd, fe adawodd am Lundain.

    Prior to your arrival, he left for London.

  • Dw i eisiau mynd i'r lleuad.

    I want to go to the moon.

  • Dwi'n mynd ar daith hir.

    I'm going on a long journey.

  • Dwi wrth fy modd yn archwilio dinasoedd gwahanol.

    I love exploring different cities.

  • Fe wnaethon ni marchogaeth cwch i'r ynys.

    We rode a boat to the island.

  • Hyd y gwn i, nid yw erioed wedi bod dramor.

    As far as I know, he has never been overseas.

  • Mae fy nghynlluniau ar gyfer gwyliau yn gyffrous.

    My plans for vacation are exciting.

  • Mae hostel dwy gilometr o'r orsaf.

    There is a hostel two kilometers from the station.

  • Maent yn teithio'n rheolaidd i Ewrop.

    They make frequent trips to Europe.

  • Mae'r golygfeydd yn Rhufain yn syfrdanol.

    The sights in Rome are breathtaking.

  • Marchogodd hi camel.

    She rode a camel.

  • Ni ddychwelodd o'r alldaith hwnnw.

    He never returned from that expedition.

  • Oes gennych chi unrhyw deithiau ymweliadol o amgylch y dref hon?

    Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town?

  • Oherwydd y storm, ni allai'r llong adael porthladd.

    Owing to the storm, the ship could not leave port.

  • Pryd mae'r ymadawiad nesaf?

    When is the next departure?

  • Roedd gwyriad ar y ffordd.

    There was a detour on the road.

  • Ydy hi'n gallu dioddef taith hir?

    Can she endure a long trip?

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