German Sentences About Agreeing

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for boosting your German vocabulary with phrases of agreement. Our meticulously curated list of 20 German sentences about "Agreeing" is designed to elevate your language skills to the next level. With authentic text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, these German phrases are invaluable for intermediate German learners aiming to converse more naturally. Listen, repeat, and practice to master the art of agreement and enrich your dialogue capabilities. Dive into our collection and make every 'Ja' count as you progress on your journey to fluency with Clozemaster's engaging and educational platform.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Das hat meine Zustimmung.

    This has my approval.

  • Die Abstimmung ist einstimmig.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Die Theorie wird allgemeine Akzeptanz finden.

    The theory will find general acceptance.

  • Du hattest völlig recht.

    You were totally right.

  • Große Geister denken gleich.

    Great minds think alike.

  • Ich akzeptiere Ihre Bedingungen.

    I accept your terms.

  • Ich bin überzeugt, dass du großartig abschneiden wirst.

    I'm convinced you'll do great.

  • Ich stimme dieser Aussage zu.

    I agree with that statement.

  • Ich stimme dir teilweise zu.

    I partly agree with you.

  • Ich stimme euch allen vollkommen zu.

    I fully agree with all of you.

  • Ich stimme ihm zu.

    I agree with him.

  • Ich stimme mit einigen deiner Meinungen überein.

    I agree with some of your opinions.

  • Ich wundere mich, wie du dem Vorschlag zustimmen konntest.

    I marvel at how you could agree to the proposal.

  • Sie genehmigen.

    They approve.

  • Sie hat meinen Plan genehmigt.

    She approved of my plan.

  • Sie stimmten einstimmig zu.

    They agreed to it unanimously.

  • Sie stimmte unserem Vorschlag nur widerwillig zu.

    She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.

  • Vielen Dank, dass Sie zugestimmt haben, dieses Interview zu führen.

    Thank you for agreeing to this interview.

  • Was mich betrifft, ich habe nichts dagegen.

    As for me, I have no objection.

  • Wir haben gestern das Abkommen unterschrieben.

    We signed the agreement yesterday.

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