German Sentences About At the Airport / Flying

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Welcome to our resourceful page designed to enhance your German vocabulary with practical German sentences centered around the experience of being "At the Airport / Flying". Perfect for intermediate German learners, this page provides 20 carefully curated German phrases that will immerse you in the specific lingo used in air travel. Each sentence is accompanied by clear text-to-speech audio and English translations to aid your comprehension and pronunciation. Dive into our engaging content and become fluent in the essential German vocabulary needed for navigating airports and flying, with real-life sentences to practice and master. Whether you're a frequent flyer or preparing for your next trip, our interactive sentences will ensure you're ready for takeoff!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • An diesem Flughafen gibt es viele Fluggesellschaften.

    There are many airlines in this airport.

  • Das Flugzeug beschleunigte.

    The plane increased speed.

  • Das Flugzeug flog sehr tief.

    The airplane flew very low.

  • Das Flugzeug landete ohne ein Problem.

    The plane landed without a problem.

  • Das Flugzeug soll morgen Früh in Honolulu ankommen.

    The airplane is scheduled to arrive in Honolulu tomorrow morning.

  • Der Drogenschmuggler wurde am Flughafen festgenommen.

    The drug smuggler was arrested at the airport.

  • Der Flughafen ist ein wichtiger Knotenpunkt.

    The airport is a major hub.

  • Der Luftfahrtexperte analysierte die Statistiken detailliert.

    The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail.

  • Der Privatjet landete pünktlich.

    The private jet landed on time.

  • Die Flugbegleiterin begann die Durchsage.

    The flight attendant began the announcements.

  • Die Flugbegleiter servierten die Mahlzeiten.

    The flight attendants served the meals.

  • Die Landung war perfekt.

    The landing was perfect.

  • Die Passagiere wurden nervös, als das Flugzeug zu vibrieren begann.

    Passengers became nervous when the plane began to vibrate.

  • Dieser Flughafen ist einfach mit dem Bus zu erreichen.

    This airport is easily accessible by bus.

  • Kann ich bitte Ihren Ausweis sehen?

    Can I see your ID, please?

  • Mein Gepäck ging verloren.

    My luggage got lost.

  • Oberhalb der Wolken fühlte der Pilot eine Freiheit ohne Grenzen.

    Above the clouds, the pilot felt a freedom without boundaries.

  • Tom hat sich angeschnallt.

    Tom fastened his seatbelt.

  • Tom stieg aus dem Flugzeug aus.

    Tom got off the plane.

  • Wo sind deine Koffer?

    Where are your suitcases?

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