German Sentences About Directions

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Welcome to our resourceful page dedicated to expanding your German vocabulary with essential German phrases for directions! As you embark on your journey to intermediate German mastery, our carefully curated list of 20 practical German sentences is accompanied by reliable text-to-speech audio, providing an immersive learning experience. Each entry includes an English translation to ensure comprehension. Dive into these directional phrases to confidently navigate conversations and environments. Strengthen your language skills and become proficient in asking and giving directions in German. Start now and take a significant step towards fluency with our interactive German sentences guide!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Achtung vor dem Loch im Boden!

    Watch out for the hole in the ground!

  • Benutze den Stadtplan, um das Ziel zu finden.

    Use the map to find the destination.

  • Bringe die Taschen nach oben.

    Take the bags upstairs.

  • Diese Straße verbindet die beiden Städte.

    This road connects the two cities.

  • Die U-Bahn ist rechts!

    The metro is on the right!

  • Du führst den Weg.

    You lead the way.

  • Eine Frau hat mich nach dem Weg gefragt.

    A woman asked me for directions.

  • Er blickte nach rechts.

    He looked to the right.

  • Er drehte das Steuer nach rechts.

    He turned the wheel to the right.

  • Er gab mir genaue Anweisungen, um die Arbeit zu erledigen.

    He gave me precise instructions to do the job.

  • Fragen Sie einen Polizisten nach dem Weg.

    Ask a policeman for directions.

  • Geh vom Rasen runter!

    Get off the lawn!

  • Hänge den Mantel an den Kleiderbügel.

    Put the coat on the hanger.

  • Ich frage mich, welcher Weg der kürzeste ist.

    I wonder which way is the shortest.

  • Ich kenne eine Abkürzung.

    I know a shortcut.

  • Rutsche den Hügel hinunter, indem du dein Gewicht gleichmäßig auf beiden Skiern verteilst.

    Slide down the hill while distributing your weight equally on both skis.

  • Sei beim Überqueren der Straße vorsichtig.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Setzt euch im Kreis.

    Sit in a circle.

  • Wir brauchen eine Navigation, um dorthin zu gelangen.

    We need navigation to get there.

  • Wir haben sie angewiesen, zum Bahnhof zu gehen.

    We directed them to the station.

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