German Sentences About Festivals

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Welcome to our vibrant learning resource designed to boost your German vocabulary with thematic sentences centered on "Festivals"! These meticulously curated German sentences and phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, cater to the intermediate German learner seeking to enrich their linguistic prowess. Each expression has been chosen to reflect the joyous spirit of festivities while helping you internalize common vernacular. Enhance your understanding of German festivals as you listen, repeat, and master these 20 dynamic examples. Dive into our interactive platform at Clozemaster and embrace the rhythm of German culture through the power of language. Let's celebrate your language learning success together!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Das Festival ging zu Ende.

    The festival came to an end.

  • Das Feuerwerk endete mit einer lauten Explosion.

    The fireworks ended with a loud explosion.

  • Die Geburtstagsparty begeistert die Kinder.

    The birthday party excites the children.

  • Die Parade zeigte viele bunte Flaggen.

    The parade featured many colorful flags.

  • Die Party war sehr unterhaltsam.

    The party was very enjoyable.

  • Dies ist ein besonderer Anlass.

    This is a special occasion.

  • Die Spanier sind für ihre Feste bekannt.

    The Spaniards are known for their festivals.

  • Die Tradition wurde nach Jahren wiederbelebt.

    The tradition was resurrected after years.

  • Er bereitet sich auf die olympischen Spiele in diesem Jahr vor.

    He is preparing for the Olympic Games this year.

  • Es ist eines der größten Sommermusik-Festivals.

    It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.

  • Jedes Team trug seine Flagge für das Finale ins Stadion.

    Each team carried their flag into the stadium for the finals.

  • John ist der Gastgeber der Party.

    John is the host of the party.

  • Nicht alle Brasilianer mögen den Karneval.

    Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnaval.

  • Sie stoßen mit Champagner an.

    They are toasting with champagne.

  • Sie versammelten sich, um des Sieges zu gedenken.

    They gathered to commemorate the victory.

  • Tausende Kerzen erleuchteten die Kirche während der Zeremonie.

    Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony.

  • Tom besuchte die Hochzeit.

    Tom attended the wedding.

  • Was feiern wir?

    What are we celebrating?

  • Wir feiern Weihnachten mit der Familie.

    We celebrate Christmas with family.

  • Wir gehen dieses Wochenende zum Karneval.

    We're going to the carnival this weekend.

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