German Sentences About Sports

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Welcome to our dedicated page for advancing your German vocabulary through sports! Our curated list of 20 German sentences about the world of athleticism is perfect for intermediate German learners looking to boost their language skills. Each sentence comes with high-quality text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Whether it's for casual conversation or understanding sports commentary, mastering these German phrases will make you sound like a native speaker in no time. Dive into our interactive platform at Clozemaster, where building your German vocabulary with essential sports-related sentences is both effective and fun. Let's get you up to speed with the sporting lingo in German!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Der Spieler hat den Schiedsrichter angegriffen.

    The player attacked the referee.

  • Die Heimmannschaft hat immer einen Vorteil gegenüber ihren Gegnern.

    The home team always has an advantage over their opponents.

  • Er hat es geschafft, das Rennen zu gewinnen.

    He succeeded in winning the race.

  • Er ist beim Sport sehr aggressiv.

    He is very aggressive when playing sports.

  • Er ist ein guter Sportler.

    He is a good athlete.

  • Er nimmt oft an sportlichen Wettkämpfen teil.

    He often participates in sports competitions.

  • Es war ein unlauteres Spiel.

    It was a foul play.

  • Hast du eine Vorliebe für Golf?

    Are you fond of golf?

  • Ich habe mir beim Basketballspielen den Wadenmuskel verletzt.

    I injured my calf playing basketball.

  • Ich spiele viel Volleyball.

    I play volleyball a lot.

  • Ihr beide seid der Kern des Teams.

    You two are the nucleus of the team.

  • Lass uns eine Partie Squash spielen.

    Let's play a game of squash.

  • Magst du Bowling?

    Do you like bowling?

  • Nach einem harten Schlag im Spiel war der Spieler bewusstlos.

    After a hard hit in the game, the player was unconscious.

  • Ron mag Surfen.

    Ron likes surfing.

  • Seine Vorhersage für das Spiel war falsch.

    His prediction for the game was wrong.

  • Sie gewannen den Japan Cup drei Jahre in Folge.

    They won the Japan Cup three years in succession.

  • Sie ist dabei, das Rennen zu gewinnen.

    She is winning the race.

  • Sie konnte nach dem Laufen kaum noch gehen.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Sie werden nervös, während sie Basketball schauen.

    They get nervous while watching basketball.

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