French Sentences About At the Airport / Flying

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for boosting your French vocabulary with practical French sentences related to "At the Airport / Flying". Our comprehensive list of 20 curated French phrases, complete with authentic text-to-speech audio, will immerse you in the language, perfect for intermediate French learners seeking to elevate their proficiency. Each sentence comes with an English translation to aid your understanding. Clozem engagements.master the lingo of air travel and gain confidence in your conversational skills. Dive into our engaging content and take off on your journey to mastering French vocabulary at the airport and beyond with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Au-dessus des nuages, le pilote ressentait une liberté sans frontières.

    Above the clouds, the pilot felt a freedom without boundaries.

  • Avez-vous un passeport ?

    Do you have a passport?

  • J'ai donné dix dollars de pourboire au chauffeur de taxi pour m'avoir amené à l'aéroport à temps.

    I tipped the cabbie ten bucks for getting me to the airport on time.

  • L'aéroport est une plaque tournante majeure.

    The airport is a major hub.

  • L'arrivée de l'avion est prévue à Honolulu demain matin.

    The airplane is scheduled to arrive in Honolulu tomorrow morning.

  • L'atterrissage était parfait.

    The landing was perfect.

  • L'avion a atterri sans problème.

    The plane landed without a problem.

  • L'avion a augmenté de vitesse.

    The plane increased speed.

  • L'avion a volé très bas.

    The airplane flew very low.

  • L'avion privé a atterri à l'heure.

    The private jet landed on time.

  • Le contrebandier de drogues a été arrêté à l'aéroport.

    The drug smuggler was arrested at the airport.

  • Le personnel de bord a servi les repas.

    The flight attendants served the meals.

  • L'expert en aviation a analysé les statistiques en détail.

    The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail.

  • L'hôtesse de l'air a commencé les annonces.

    The flight attendant began the announcements.

  • Mon bagage s'est perdu.

    My luggage got lost.

  • Puis-je voir votre pièce d'identité, s'il vous plaît ?

    Can I see your ID, please?

  • Tom a attaché sa ceinture de sécurité.

    Tom fastened his seatbelt.

  • Tom a fait conduire Mary à l'aéroport par son chauffeur.

    Tom had his chauffeur drive Mary to the airport.

  • Tom est descendu de l'avion.

    Tom got off the plane.

  • Tom est pilote.

    Tom is a pilot.

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