French Sentences About Crime

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Boost your French vocabulary on the topic of 'Crime' with Clozemaster! Our curated page features 20 engaging French sentences, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations. Ideal for intermediate French learners looking to enhance their language skills, these French phrases are designed to deepen your knowledge and pronunciation. Master crime-related terminology through context and repetition. Don't just learn French vocabulary; immerse yourself in authentic French sentences and phrases that will prepare you for real-world conversations. Join Clozemaster now to unlock a world of French language learning opportunities!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Il a été arrêté pour contrebande de marchandises.

    He was arrested for smuggling goods.

  • Il a été arrêté pour sabotage.

    He was arrested for sabotage.

  • Il était soupçonné du vol.

    He was suspected of the robbery.

  • Ils l'ont signalé aux autorités.

    They reported it to the authorities.

  • Ils ont déterré une boîte contenant des restes humains.

    They dug up a box containing human remains.

  • J'ai besoin de la clé pour décoder ce message.

    I need the key to decode this message.

  • La caméra a filmé l'homme en train de voler dans le magasin.

    The camera caught the man stealing in the store.

  • La criminalité est en hausse.

    Crime is increasing.

  • La rumeur dit que c'est une pickpocket.

    Rumor says that she is a pickpocket.

  • La sécurité du système a été compromise.

    The system's security was compromised.

  • L'enfant disparu était recherché par la police.

    The missing child was sought by police.

  • Le prisonnier a été libéré après 10 ans.

    The prisoner was set free after 10 years.

  • Les coupables ont laissé des indices partout.

    The guilty left hints everywhere.

  • Le voleur a tenté d'ouvrir le coffre-fort.

    The thief attempted to open the safe.

  • Marie a donné à Tom une boîte de chocolats empoisonnés.

    Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.

  • Tom a avoué avoir assassiné Mary.

    Tom confessed to murdering Mary.

  • Tom a disparu sans laisser de trace.

    Tom disappeared without a trace.

  • Tom a été attiré dans un piège.

    Tom was lured into a trap.

  • Tom a été condamné à la prison à vie.

    Tom was sentenced to life in prison.

  • Tom a simulé sa mort.

    Tom faked his death.

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