French Sentences About Fitness

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Welcome to our meticulously crafted collection of 20 essential French sentences centered around fitness. Perfect for those at an intermediate French level, this page offers a seamless way to enrich your French vocabulary with practical French phrases. Each sentence, complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and English translations, has been selected to boost your language skills in the context of health and exercise. Dive into our interactive lessons and master the French phrases that will empower your communication during workout discussions. Whether you're at the gym or discussing fitness goals, these French sentences will become your reliable linguistic companion.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Allons faire une randonnée demain.

    Let's go for a hike tomorrow.

  • Après la longue randonnée, mes jambes ont commencé à me faire mal à cause de la fatigue.

    After the long hike, my legs began to ache with fatigue.

  • Certains coureurs boivent de l'eau pendant qu'ils courent.

    Some runners drink water as they are running.

  • C'est un yogi compétent.

    He is a skilled yogi.

  • Cet exercice est plus simple que je ne le pensais.

    This exercise is simpler than I thought.

  • Elle nage bien.

    She swims well.

  • Elle pouvait à peine marcher après avoir couru.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Elle sait patiner.

    She can skate.

  • Il a couru lentement pendant un intervalle de vingt minutes.

    He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.

  • Il aime faire du vélo le matin.

    He loves cycling in the morning.

  • Il court très vite.

    He runs very fast.

  • Il fait de l'exercice sur une base quotidienne.

    He exercises on a daily basis.

  • Ils ont concouru au marathon.

    They competed in the marathon.

  • Je fais du yoga.

    I do yoga.

  • Le boxeur s'entraînait dur tous les jours.

    The fighter trained hard every day.

  • Leurs muscles sont endoloris.

    Their muscles are sore.

  • L'exercice améliore la santé.

    Exercise improves health.

  • Le yoga vous rend plus souple.

    Yoga makes you more flexible.

  • Sa mère fait de l'aérobic une fois par semaine.

    Her mother does aerobics once a week.

  • Tom a plongé dans la piscine.

    Tom dove into the pool.

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