French Sentences About Languages

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Master intermediate French with ease on Clozemaster! Our carefully curated collection of 20 French sentences focuses on the theme of "Languages," complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're looking to enhance your French vocabulary, practice common French phrases, or get comfortable with everyday French sentences, our interactive platform is the ideal tool. Immerse yourself in the linguistics of la langue française and enrich your language learning journey with our targeted exercises. Perfect for intermediate French learners, these sentences will help you confidently communicate and understand real-world French. Start now and watch your fluency flourish!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Apprendre le finnois prend du temps.

    Learning Finnish takes time.

  • Ce mot a deux sens.

    This word has two meanings.

  • Ce mot est composé d'une syllabe.

    This word is made up of one syllable.

  • Ces traductions ne reflètent pas le sens original.

    These translations don't capture the original meaning.

  • Comment le mot est-il prononcé ?

    How is the word pronounced?

  • Comparez votre traduction avec la sienne.

    Compare your translation with his.

  • Elle a expliqué la signification littérale de l'expression.

    She explained the literal meaning of the phrase.

  • Elle parle avec un accent irlandais.

    She speaks with an Irish accent.

  • Il apprend la langue hongroise.

    He's learning the Hungarian language.

  • Il apprend l'espagnol pour le travail.

    He is learning Spanish for work.

  • Il parle anglais parfaitement.

    He speaks English perfectly.

  • J'ai commencé à apprendre l'espagnol récemment.

    I recently started learning Spanish.

  • J'aime parler gallois.

    I like speaking Welsh.

  • L'anglais est parlé dans de nombreux pays.

    English is spoken in many countries.

  • Le latin est une langue classique.

    Latin is a classical language.

  • Que signifie ce mot ?

    What does this word mean?

  • Tom enseigne le français.

    Tom teaches French.

  • Tout le monde parle bien français en Tunisie.

    Everyone can speak French well in Tunisia.

  • Veuillez corriger ma prononciation.

    Please correct my pronunciation.

  • Vous devriez persévérer dans vos efforts pour apprendre l'anglais.

    You should persist in your efforts to learn English.

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