French Sentences About Law

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Master French vocabulary related to law with our comprehensive list of French sentences tailored for intermediate learners. Each sentence, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is designed to help you enhance your understanding of legal terms and phrases in French. Challenge yourself and build your fluency by practicing these context-rich French phrases, thoughtfully curated to expand your legal lexicon. Whether for professional development or personal enrichment, our interactive learning tool at Clozemaster will empower you to speak and comprehend French confidently in the realm of law. Dive in and elevate your intermediate French skills with ease today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ce crime est passible de la peine de mort.

    That crime is punishable by death.

  • Cette action constitue une infraction grave.

    This action constitutes a serious offense.

  • Des documents concernant sa vie privée ont été volés lors du cambriolage.

    Documents relating to his private life were stolen in the burglary.

  • Il a été accusé de complot.

    He was charged with conspiracy.

  • Il a été piégé pour meurtre.

    He was framed for murder.

  • Je pensais que la peine de mort devait être abolie.

    I thought the death penalty should be abolished.

  • La maison a été perquisitionnée par la police.

    The house was raided by the police.

  • La police a rassemblé les preuves.

    The police gathered the evidence.

  • La police était suspicieuse de ses mouvements.

    The police were suspicious of his movements.

  • Le juge a cassé la décision précédente.

    The judge overruled the previous decision.

  • Les lois obligent tous les citoyens à payer des impôts.

    The laws oblige all citizens to pay taxes.

  • Le testament a été déclaré nul par le tribunal.

    The will was declared void by the court.

  • Le vol est illégal.

    Stealing is illegal.

  • L'officier a trouvé une arme sur la scène du crime.

    The officer found a weapon at the crime scene.

  • Nous devons prévenir la police.

    We have to notify the police.

  • Pourquoi accusez-vous mon fils ?

    Why do you accuse my son?

  • Rapporteras-tu fidèlement tout ?

    Will you report everything truthfully?

  • Tout le monde mérite une justice équitable.

    Everyone deserves fair justice.

  • Vous ne devez jamais recourir à la force.

    You must never resort to force.

  • Vous n'êtes pas obligé de divulguer ces informations.

    You are under no obligation to divulge that information.

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