French Sentences About Money

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Elevate your French vocabulary with engaging and practical learning on Clozemaster! Our meticulously curated list of 20 French sentences about "Money" comes complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Perfect for intermediate French learners looking to enhance their linguistic skills, each phrase is crafted to help you grasp the nuances of financial terminology in French. Immerse yourself in the language and confidently master essential French phrases related to currency, transactions, and economic concepts. Join Clozemaster today to unlock a treasure trove of valuable resources designed to propel your French fluency to new heights!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Elle a hérité d'une grande fortune.

    She inherited a large fortune.

  • Elle est restée dans son budget.

    She stayed within her budget.

  • Espèces ou carte de crédit ?

    Cash or credit card?

  • Il a sorti quelques pièces.

    He took out some coins.

  • Il a trouvé un dollar par terre.

    He found a dollar on the ground.

  • Il croulait sous les dettes de sa carte de crédit.

    He was drowning in credit card debt.

  • Il n'a que quatre pesos.

    He has only four pesos.

  • J'ai déjà payé la facture.

    I already paid the bill.

  • J'ai payé mes factures.

    I paid my bills.

  • Je dois payer la facture.

    I need to pay the bill.

  • Je suis en difficultés financières.

    I am in financial difficulties.

  • La plus grande partie de l'argent a été dépensée.

    The greater part of the money was spent.

  • Le franc est utilisé en Suisse.

    The franc is used in Switzerland.

  • Le millionnaire insistait pour acquérir le chef-d'œuvre, peu importe le coût.

    The millionaire insisted on acquiring the masterpiece no matter how much it cost.

  • M. Brown est notre conseiller financier.

    Mr. Brown is our financial adviser.

  • Nous ne pouvons accepter de chèques en aucune circonstance.

    Under no circumstances can we accept checks.

  • Sa situation financière s'est détériorée.

    His finances have changed for the worse.

  • Tom a donné un pourboire au chauffeur de taxi.

    Tom tipped the cab driver.

  • Tom a gagné pas mal d'argent dans sa vingtaine.

    Tom made quite a lot of money in his twenties.

  • Tous les contribuables ont le droit de savoir où va leur argent.

    All taxpayers have the right to know where their money goes.

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