French Sentences About Numbers

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Welcome to our Clozemaster collection, where mastering French vocabulary has never been easier. Explore our meticulously curated set of 20 French sentences focusing on "Numbers," complete with accurate English translations. Designed for the intermediate French language learner, each phrase is accompanied by clear text-to-speech audio, ensuring pronunciation is just as strong as comprehension. Whether you're looking to sharpen your French phrases or expand your numerical vocabulary, our interactive tool provides the essential practice you need to succeed. Immerse yourself in the language and start mastering these fundamental French sentences today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Combien de jours y a-t-il dans une année bissextile ?

    How many days are there in a leap year?

  • Combien d'êtres humains vivent sur Terre ?

    How many human beings live on Earth?

  • Compte jusqu'à cent.

    Count to one hundred.

  • Il a gagné par un petit nombre de voix.

    He won by a small number of votes.

  • Il a quatre téléphones mobiles.

    He has four mobile phones.

  • Il a vingt enfants.

    He has twenty children.

  • Il y a des milliards d'étoiles dans le ciel.

    There are billions of stars in the sky.

  • Il y a treize personnes dans la salle.

    There are thirteen people in the room.

  • Il y a trois mille fûts de vin sur le navire.

    There are three thousand barrels of wine on the ship.

  • Il y avait deux morceaux de gâteau.

    There were two pieces of cake.

  • J'ai six pommes.

    I have six apples.

  • J'ai vu cinq hommes.

    I saw five men.

  • Je veux cinq boulettes de viande.

    I want five meatballs.

  • Je veux dix assiettes.

    I want ten plates.

  • La chambre a deux fenêtres.

    The room has two windows.

  • Nous avons trois avions.

    We have three planes.

  • Nous sommes onze en tout.

    We are eleven in all.

  • Quarante-huit marins sont à bord.

    Forty-eight sailors are on board.

  • Soixante délégués ont été élus.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Soixante nouveaux musées ont ouvert.

    Sixty new museums opened.

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