Indonesian Sentences About Hobbies
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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Hobbies" on Clozemaster. Perfect for those seeking to master intermediate Indonesian, this page offers a rich selection of Indonesian sentences complete with text-to-speech audio to enhance listening skills and pronunciation. Each sentence is accompanied by English translations, allowing you to effortlessly expand your understanding of Indonesian phrases in real-life contexts. Whether you're brushing up on familiar terms or learning new expressions, our interactive content is designed to help you seamlessly integrate Indonesian into your everyday conversations. Elevate your language proficiency with these engaging, practical examples.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku biasa memainkan trombone.
I used to play the trombone.
Apa aku bisa menggunakan benang ini untuk merajut?
Can I use this yarn for knitting?
Apa kamu tahu cara juggle?
Do you know how to juggle?
Bob senang berolahraga.
Bob enjoys playing sports.
Dia adalah seorang pecandu buku komik.
He's a junkie for comic books.
Dia adalah seorang yogi yang terampil.
He is a skilled yogi.
Dia memainkan sebuah sonata.
She played a sonata.
Dia suka bersepeda di pagi hari.
He loves cycling in the morning.
Dia suka membongkar perangkat listrik.
He likes to take electric devices apart.
Dia suka membuat roti.
She likes to make bread.
Dia suka menonton balapan kuda poni.
She loves watching the ponies race.
Ia sangat menyukai melukis di siang hari.
She loves painting in the daylight.
Kami mengunjungi museum.
We visited the museum.
Liam ingin berakting dalam drama tersebut.
Liam wants to act in the play.
Nenek selalu suka merajut untuk kami.
Grandma always loved knitting for us.
Saya bermain video game.
I play video games.
Saya memainkan akordeon.
I played the accordion.
Suami saya dan saya biasa mendaki gunung bersama.
My hubby and I used to go mountain climbing together.
Tom menyelesaikan teka-teki jigsaw.
Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.
Video game mendebarkan ini menyita seluruh perhatianku.
The thrilling video game took all my attention.
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