Indonesian Sentences About Space
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 captivating sentences about "Space". Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, this page provides text-to-speech audio and English translations for each sentence, helping you master Indonesian sentences and phrases efficiently. Whether you're delving into the mysteries of the cosmos or simply expanding your linguistic skills, these space-themed Indonesian sentences will enrich your learning experience. Discover practical phrases designed to improve your intermediate Indonesian proficiency. Improve your language skills by immersing yourself in these expertly selected sentences and boost your confidence in understanding and speaking Indonesian today.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Ada banyak sekali bintang di langit.
There were countless stars in the sky.
Aku cuma bisa memilih dua atau tiga rasi bintang di langit malam.
I can pick out only two or three constellations in the night sky.
Aku diculik oleh alien.
I was abducted by aliens.
Apa efek yang akan ditimbulkan oleh penyelarasan planet?
What effects would planetary alignment have?
Beberapa bintang sudah dilihat dengan mata telanjang.
Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.
Beliau adalah seorang ahli dalam bidang astronomi.
He is an expert in astronomy.
Bulan adalah satelit Bumi.
The moon is a satellite of the Earth.
Dari manakah komet berasal?
Where do comets come from?
Di luar dugaan, pesawat ruang angkasa Apollo berhasil kembali ke Bumi dengan selamat.
Against all expectations, the Apollo spacecraft made it safely back to Earth.
Di mana satelitnya?
Where are the satellites?
Gravitasi mengikat planet-planet ke matahari.
Gravity binds the planets to the sun.
Ia mengklaim bahwa ia telah menemukan komet baru.
He claimed that he had discovered a new comet.
Kami melihat piring terbang.
We saw a flying saucer.
Neptunus adalah planet terjauh dari Matahari.
Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun.
Para astronom mempelajari bintang dan planet.
Astronomers study stars and planets.
Para astronot pergi ke bulan dengan menggunakan roket.
The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.
Perhitungan kami menunjukkan bahwa roket tersebut keluar dari jalurnya.
Our calculations show that the rocket is off its course.
Saya ingin menjadi seorang astronot.
I want to be an astronaut.
Sebuah rasi bintang bersinar.
A constellation shines.
Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional adalah prestasi teknik yang luar biasa.
The International Space Station is an amazing feat of engineering.
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