Italian Sentences About Pets

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Welcome to our dedicated Clozemaster page featuring 20 Italian sentences about "Pets," designed to enhance your Italian vocabulary. This resource is perfect for those seeking to immerse themselves in Italian phrases and improve their language skills at an intermediate level. Each sentence is accompanied by English translations and text-to-speech audio, allowing you to master pronunciation and comprehension. Explore varied contexts and phrases to enrich your understanding of Italian and communicate more effectively. Whether you're a language enthusiast or preparing for an Italian adventure, these sentences about pets will bolster your Italian vocabulary with practical, everyday language.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Controlla regolarmente che il tuo animale non abbia zecche.

    Check your pet for ticks regularly.

  • Cookie è il più carino di tutti i cani.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Hai dato da mangiare ai pappagalli?

    Did you feed the parrots?

  • Il bambino sta accarezzando un gatto.

    The child is stroking a cat.

  • Il gatto ha impigliato tutti i fili.

    The cat tangled up all the threads.

  • Il gatto si è dileguato dietro il divano.

    The cat disappeared behind the sofa.

  • Il mio cane è sempre così fedele.

    My dog is always so loyal.

  • Il mio gatto abbaia.

    My cat barks.

  • Il mio gatto ama dormire molto.

    My cat likes to sleep a lot.

  • Il mio pesce è morto due settimane fa.

    My fish died two weeks ago.

  • Il rumore spaventa il gatto.

    The noise freaks out the cat.

  • Lei adora il suo nuovo cucciolo.

    She adores her new puppy.

  • Lei ci ha mostrato il suo nuovo cucciolo.

    She showed us her new puppy.

  • Lei ha pianto la perdita del suo animale domestico.

    She mourned the loss of her pet.

  • Lei ha tre tartarughe domestiche.

    She has three pet turtles.

  • Lei ha un cane.

    She has a dog.

  • Perché il mio gatto attacca il mio accappatoio?

    Why is my cat attacking my bathrobe?

  • Quel cucciolo è così carino.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Tom ha messo un collare antipulci al suo cane.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Tom vuole un pony.

    Tom wants a pony.

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