Japanese Sentences About Requesting Help

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your Japanese vocabulary through engaging language practice! On this page, we focus on intermediate Japanese learners eager to master critical Japanese sentences and phrases for "Requesting Help." With our meticulously curated list of 20 practical sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, you'll enhance your conversational skills in no time. Immerse yourself in the nuances of asking for assistance like a native speaker and expand your linguistic capabilities. Dive into our interactive lessons now and take a significant stride in your journey to fluency with Clozemaster's Japanese phrases resources!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 何か必要でしたら、言ってきてください。

    If you need anything, tell me.

  • これを印刷するのを手伝ってください。

    Help me print this.

  • あなたの国の旅行パンフレットをくれませんか?

    Would you give me some travel brochures from your country?

  • 彼女は助けが必要です。

    She needs help.

  • 彼には若干の助けが必要です。

    He needs some help.

  • ドライバーが必要です。

    I need the screwdriver.

  • トイレを掃除してもらえますか?

    Could you clean the toilet, please?

  • 看板をお読みください。

    Please read the sign.

  • 私を助けてもらえませんか?

    Can you help me, please?

  • あなたは私に助けを求めました。

    You asked me to help.

  • 私が持ちますよ。

    Let me carry it.

  • 私の発音を修正してください。

    Please correct my pronunciation.

  • 窓を閉めてもいいですか?

    May I close the window?

  • 聞きなさい!

    Listen to me!

  • どうか行く許可をください。

    Please allow me to go.

  • 説明してください。

    Please explain it.

  • 誰がそのパイを全部食べたのだろうか?

    Who ate all the pies?

  • 警察官に道を尋ねてください。

    Ask a policeman for directions.

  • カタログを送ってください。

    Please send me a catalog.

  • キッチンにアリがいるので、駆除業者を呼ぶ必要があります。

    We have ants in the kitchen, so we need to call an exterminator.

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