Japanese Sentences About Senses

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Unlock the secrets of your senses with Clozemaster's robust collection of Japanese phrases! Our expertly curated page features 20 immersive Japanese sentences focused on "Senses," complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Ideal for intermediate Japanese learners, this resource is tailored to enhance your Japanese vocabulary through practical examples and engaging audio. Whether you're looking to sharpen your listening skills or expand your linguistic horizons, our handpicked Japanese sentences will guide you through the nuances of expressing sensations in Japanese. Dive into the world of Japanese phrases and cement your language mastery with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • これをにおってみてください。

    Smell this.

  • 今の聞こえましたか?

    Did you hear it?

  • キッチンで何かいい匂いがします。

    Something in the kitchen smells good.

  • 彼女は夜に声を聞きます。

    She hears voices in the night.

  • 彼女は松の木の匂いが好きだ。

    She likes the smell of pine trees.

  • 彼女の香水が部屋全体に充満していました。

    Her perfume filled the entire room.

  • 彼は小さな火を目にしました。

    He saw a small fire.

  • 彼は食べ物をすぐに飲み込んだ。

    He swallowed his food quickly.

  • 朝のナパーム弾の臭いが大好きだ。

    I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

  • バーがあまりに煙たかったので、目が痛くなってきた。

    The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.

  • この牛乳には独特の匂いがあります。

    This milk has a peculiar smell.

  • その牛乳は酸っぱい味がする。

    The milk tastes sour.

  • 物音が彼女を起こしました。

    A noise woke her up.

  • 玉ねぎを刻む際に涙が出ました。

    Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.

  • あの美しい夕焼けを見てください!

    Look at that beautiful sunset!

  • その部屋の臭いは不快でした。

    The smell in the room was nasty.

  • その音、聞き覚えがあります。

    I know that sound.

  • カーネーションはどんな香りですか?

    What do carnations smell like?

  • 香りのある石鹸は肌をかゆくする傾向があります。

    Scented soaps tended to make her skin itch.

  • 鼻がむずむずする。

    My nose itches.

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