Japanese Sentences About Shopping

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for bolstering your Japanese vocabulary with practical shopping phrases! Our curated list of 20 authentic Japanese sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is specially designed for intermediate Japanese learners. Immerse yourself in the language with sentences that you'd use in real-life shopping scenarios, enhancing your comprehension and speaking skills. Whether you're navigating bustling Japanese markets, or simply aiming to refine your linguistic prowess, our engaging collection of Japanese phrases will equip you with the confidence to shop like a local. Listen, learn, and repeat to master these essential Japanese shopping sentences.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • そのショッピングモールはさびれている。

    The mall is deserted.

  • CDを買います。

    We buy CDs.

  • テレビの保証有効期限が切れています。

    The warranty for my TV is expired.

  • この値段を見てごらんよ。

    Look at the price.

  • パン屋はどこですか?

    Where is the bakery?

  • 彼女は鶏肉を買った。

    She bought chicken.

  • 払い戻しをお願いします。

    I want a refund.

  • レジでお支払いください。

    Please pay at the register.

  • ボディローションが欲しいです。

    I need body lotion.

  • 毎週日曜日の午後にバザールへ行きます。

    I go to the bazaar every Sunday afternoon.

  • それは無料ですか?

    Is it free?

  • ここが町で最も安い店です。

    This is the cheapest store in town.

  • 私たちは旅行のために必需品を購入しました。

    We bought essentials for our trip.

  • 背の低いテーブルが欲しいです。

    I want a low table.

  • なぜ花を買ったのですか?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • パイナップルを買いたいです。

    I want to buy a pineapple.

  • 買い物のためにお金が必要です。

    I need some money for shopping.

  • レンガはどこで購入できますか?

    Where can I buy bricks?

  • 電池は別料金必要です。

    You need to pay extra for the batteries.

  • 靴は pairs で販売されています。

    Shoes are sold in pairs.

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