Lithuanian Sentences About At the Hotel

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Welcome to Clozemaster's specialized page for mastering Lithuanian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 essential sentences about "At the Hotel". Designed for intermediate Lithuanian learners, this resource is perfect for enhancing your understanding of practical Lithuanian phrases. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, ensuring you grasp both pronunciation and meaning. Whether you're planning a trip to Lithuania or aiming to polish your language skills, our Lithuanian sentences will boost your confidence in real-world scenarios. Dive in and start learning with Clozemaster's effective and engaging approach to intermediate Lithuanian vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar kambaryje yra oro kondicionavimas?

    Does the room have air conditioning?

  • Ar pietūs įskaičiuoti?

    Are meals included?

  • Ar turite pigesnį kambarį?

    Do you have a cheaper room?

  • Ar turite viešbučių sąrašą?

    Do you have a list of hotels?

  • Aš apsistojau užeigoje, nes buvo vėlu ir buvau pavargęs.

    I stayed at an inn since it was late at night and I was tired.

  • Aš gyvenu šiame viešbutyje.

    I live in this hotel.

  • Aš užsakiau viešbučio kambarį.

    I've booked a hotel room.

  • Ji atsipalaidavo patogiame poilsio kambaryje.

    She relaxed in the comfortable lounge.

  • Ji miega prabangiame valstybiniame kambaryje.

    She sleeps in a luxurious stateroom.

  • Kreipkitės į registratūros darbuotoją pagalbos.

    Speak to the receptionist for help.

  • Laisvos vietos ženklas mirksėjo vidurnaktį.

    The vacancy sign blinked at midnight.

  • Mes galime jį apgyvendinti nakčiai.

    We can accommodate him for the night.

  • Prašau palaikyti tvarką kambaryje.

    Please keep your room tidy.

  • Prie viešbučio laukė limuzinas Tomui.

    There was a limousine waiting for Tom outside the hotel.

  • Šis viešbutis turi nuostabų vaizdą į jūrą.

    This hotel has a magnificent view of the sea.

  • Susitikime viešbučio bare.

    Meet me at the hotel bar.

  • Tomas laukia vestibiulyje.

    Tom is waiting in the lobby.

  • Turėčiau baigti išpakavimą.

    I should finish unpacking.

  • Viešbučio paslaugos yra aukščiausios klasės.

    The services at the hotel are first-rate.

  • Visi butai užimti.

    All the apartments are occupied.

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