Lithuanian Sentences About Cooking

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Cooking" in Lithuanian! Our collection is designed to enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary, featuring practical Lithuanian sentences and phrases perfect for intermediate learners. Each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and English translations, allowing you to practice pronunciation and comprehension. Whether you're cooking up a storm or expanding your linguistic skills, these cooking-related Lithuanian phrases are a delicious way to bolster your language learning journey. Discover the joy of mastering intermediate Lithuanian with Clozemaster’s immersive content. Perfect for anyone looking to cook up some new Lithuanian vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar gali iškepti omletą?

    Can you cook an omelet?

  • Ar prisiminėte išjungti viryklę?

    Did you remember to turn the cooker off?

  • Aš kepu steikus ant grilio.

    I cook steaks on the barbeque.

  • Aš pagardinau žuvį druska ir pipirais.

    I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper.

  • Įdėkite maistą į puodą.

    Put the food in the pot.

  • Į plaktą grietinėlę pridedama nedidelė kiekis brendžio.

    A small amount of brandy is added to the whipped cream.

  • Išbandykite šį padažą.

    Try this sauce.

  • Jai reikėjo dvigubai daugiau miltų torto receptui.

    She needed double the amount of flour for the cake recipe.

  • Jis padarė spanguolių padažą, kad patiektų su antimi.

    He made a cranberry sauce to accompany the duck.

  • Jis sumaišė cukrų su pienu.

    He mixed sugar with milk.

  • Kaip suprasti, tu įmetei kaušą į puodą?

    What do you mean you dropped the ladle in the pot?

  • Konservai turi būti laikomi indelyje su orui nepralaidžiu sandarinimo dangteliu.

    Preserves must be stored in a jar with an airtight seal.

  • Miltų kiekis yra pakankamas.

    The quantity of flour is sufficient.

  • Naudokite sietą, kad nukoštumėte makaronus.

    Use a sieve to drain the pasta.

  • Patyręs virėjas jį išmokė gaminti.

    An experienced chef taught him cooking.

  • Persikų kauliukai sunkiai pašalinami.

    The peach pits are difficult to remove.

  • Prašau išspauskite apelsinus, kad pagamintumėte šviežių sulčių.

    Please squeeze the oranges to make some fresh juice.

  • Tomas pasidarė žemės riešutų sviesto sumuštinį.

    Tom made himself a peanut butter sandwich.

  • Tom susmulkino salotas.

    Tom shredded the lettuce.

  • Vanduo užšąla esant nuliui Celsijaus, ar ne?

    Water freezes at zero Celsius, right?

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