Lithuanian Sentences About House

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Are you looking to strengthen your Lithuanian vocabulary and improve your language skills? Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 Lithuanian sentences about "House", complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Designed for learners at an intermediate Lithuanian level, these practical sentences and phrases will help you build confidence and fluency. Whether you’re practicing Lithuanian for travel, work, or personal enrichment, our engaging content is tailored to support your journey. Dive into these essential Lithuanian sentences now and elevate your language proficiency!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar tu užrakinai duris?

    Did you lock the door?

  • Jaučiu stiprų prisirišimą prie šio namo.

    I feel a strong attachment to this house.

  • Jie įrengė namo pamatus.

    They laid the foundation of the house.

  • Jie išsinuomavo butą.

    They rented an apartment.

  • Jis davė man stiklinę vandens.

    He gave me a glass of water.

  • Jis gyveno prastame bute.

    He lived in a crappy apartment.

  • Mary patinka jos bambuko tvora.

    Mary loves her bamboo fence.

  • Mes gyvename dvejuose atskiruose namuose.

    We live in two separate houses.

  • Mes statome jūsų namą laikydamiesi jūsų norų.

    We are building your house in compliance with your wishes.

  • Miegamasis buvo nukrautas gražiais papuošimais.

    The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.

  • Miegamieji yra viršuje.

    The bedrooms are upstairs.

  • Mūsų namas yra ant to kalnagūbrio.

    Our house is on that ridge.

  • Namas įgriuvo.

    The house caved in.

  • Nosinaitės yra stalčiuje.

    The handkerchiefs are in the drawer.

  • Padėk knygą ant viršutinės lentynos.

    Put the book on the top shelf.

  • Šiame name yra trys vonios kambariai.

    This house has three bathrooms.

  • Tai gera diena pjauti veją.

    It's a nice day for mowing the lawn.

  • Tai yra labai didelis namas.

    That's a very big house.

  • Tomas pridėjo kambarį prie savo namo.

    Tom added a room to his house.

  • Tomas yra ant stogo.

    Tom is on the roof.

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