Lithuanian Sentences About Movies

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Unlock the world of Lithuanian cinema and improve your language skills with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Movies" in Lithuanian. Perfect for learners aiming to enhance their Lithuanian vocabulary, this selection includes text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Whether you’re an intermediate Lithuanian speaker looking to expand your repertoire of Lithuanian sentences and phrases, or a beginner eager to dive deeper, these entertaining movie-related excerpts are your perfect study companion. Boost your comprehension and pronunciation with authentic, everyday Lithuanian dialogue straight from the silver screen. Dive in and make your language learning an exciting cinematic adventure!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš išsigandau per siaubo filmą.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Aš noriu pamatyti šį filmą.

    I want to see this movie.

  • Daug filmų pasižymi apokalipsės scenarijumi.

    Many movies feature an apocalypse setting.

  • Filmas jai buvo per baisus.

    She found the movie too scary.

  • Filmas paremtas tikrais įvykiais.

    The movie is based on true events.

  • Filmas prasidėjo 19 val.

    The movie began at 7 pm.

  • Filmas yra įvertintas kaip N-13.

    The film is rated PG-13.

  • Filme buvo vaizduojama vergo kelionė, kovojančio už laisvę nepaisant visų sunkumų.

    The film depicted the journey of a slave who fought for freedom against all odds.

  • Filmo pabaiga buvo labai nenuspėjama.

    The film's ending was very unpredictable.

  • Filmo pabaiga ją nuliūdino.

    The movie's ending made her feel sad.

  • Geri filmai praplečia mūsų akiratį.

    Good films broaden our horizons.

  • Jie eina į kiną.

    They are going to the movies.

  • Ji siaubingai bijo smurto filmų.

    She is horrified by violent movies.

  • Jis mėgsta žiūrėti dramos serialus.

    He loves watching drama series.

  • Kada prasideda filmas?

    When does the movie start?

  • Negaliu sulaukti filmo tęsinio.

    I can't wait for the movie sequel.

  • Nemirtingi padarai pasirodo siaubo filmuose.

    Undead creatures appear in horror movies.

  • Šį filmą verta pažiūrėti.

    This film is worth seeing.

  • Šis filmas palieka gilų atspindį visiems žiūrovams.

    This movie leaves a profound reflection for all viewers.

  • Šį vakarą žiūrėsiu filmą.

    I am seeing a movie tonight.

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