Lithuanian Sentences About Space

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Enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary and elevate your language skills with our curated collection of 20 sentences about "Space" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate learners, these Lithuanian sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations, providing a comprehensive learning experience. Whether you're exploring new Lithuanian phrases or refining your existing knowledge, our space-themed sentences will help you engage with essential vocabularies in a fun and effective way. Dive into the world of space in Lithuanian today and take your language proficiency to new heights! Discover and master intermediate Lithuanian with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš mačiau NSO.

    I have seen a UFO.

  • Aš noriu būti astronautu.

    I want to be an astronaut.

  • Astronomai tyrinėja žvaigždes ir planetas.

    Astronomers study stars and planets.

  • Danguje buvo nesuskaičiuojamai daug žvaigždžių.

    There were countless stars in the sky.

  • Iš kosmoso pažvelgus, Žemė atrodo gana maža.

    Seen from space, Earth seems relatively small.

  • Iš kur atkeliauja kometos?

    Where do comets come from?

  • Jis teigė, kad atrado naują kometa.

    He claimed that he had discovered a new comet.

  • Jis yra ekspertas astronomijoje.

    He is an expert in astronomy.

  • Kai kurios žvaigždės plika akimi vos matomos.

    Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.

  • Kokių pasekmių turėtų planetų išsidėstymas?

    What effects would planetary alignment have?

  • Kur yra palydovai?

    Where are the satellites?

  • Mane pagrobė ateiviai.

    I was abducted by aliens.

  • Mano senelis tiki, kad Mėnulio nusileidimas buvo apgaulė.

    My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax.

  • Mes ištirsime kiekvieną planetą, skriejančią aplink saulę.

    We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.

  • Mes matėme skraidančią lėkštę.

    We saw a flying saucer.

  • Nepaisant visų lūkesčių, Apollo erdvėlaivis saugiai sugrįžo į Žemę.

    Against all expectations, the Apollo spacecraft made it safely back to Earth.

  • Neptūnas yra toliausiai nuo Saulės esanti planeta.

    Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun.

  • Per teleskopą galiu stebėti žvaigždes.

    Through the telescope, I can observe stars.

  • Tarptautinė kosminė stotis yra nuostabus inžinerijos pasiekimas.

    The International Space Station is an amazing feat of engineering.

  • Visata yra arti begalybės.

    The universe is close to infinity.

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