Lithuanian Sentences About Stating Preferences

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Boost your Lithuanian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Stating Preferences" in Lithuanian. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to support your learning journey. Explore common Lithuanian phrases that will help you articulate your preferences confidently in everyday conversations. Whether you’re preparing for a trip to Lithuania or aiming to enhance your language skills, this comprehensive list of Lithuanian sentences is an invaluable resource. Visit Clozemaster and start mastering these essential Lithuanian expressions today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš asmeniškai mėgstu šokoladą.

    I, personally, love chocolates.

  • Aš mieliau geriu arbatą nei kavą.

    I prefer tea over coffee.

  • Aš norėčiau atsigerti jazminų žaliosios arbatos.

    I would drink some jasmine green tea.

  • Aš nusprendžiau mesti rūkyti.

    I decided to quit smoking.

  • Atvykimas anksti yra gerai.

    Arriving early is good.

  • Brangus automobilis yra statuso simbolis.

    An expensive car is a status symbol.

  • Buvo ideali diena pasivaikščioti.

    It was an ideal day for walking.

  • Ji mėgsta dainininką.

    She likes the singer.

  • Ji nėra išranki valgytoja.

    She is not a picky eater.

  • Jis mėgaujasi būdamas vegetaras.

    He enjoys being a vegetarian.

  • Jis mėgsta žuvį labiau nei mėsą.

    He prefers fish to meat.

  • Kava nesukelia mano susidomėjimo.

    Coffee does not arouse my interest.

  • Man nepatinka abu pyragai.

    I like neither of the cakes.

  • Mano skonis labai skiriasi nuo tavo.

    My tastes differ greatly from yours.

  • Man patinka saldainiai.

    I like candies.

  • Matematika yra mano mėgstamiausias dalykas.

    Mathematics is my favorite subject.

  • Muzikos pomėgiai skiriasi priklausomai nuo žmogaus.

    Music preferences vary from person to person.

  • Tau patinka kava ar arbata?

    Do you like coffee or tea?

  • Tik nedirbantys žmonės susitinka pasimatymams trečiadieniais.

    Only unemployed people date on Wednesdays.

  • Žinoma, daug vyresnio amžiaus žmonių yra patenkinti pensija.

    Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement.

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