Dutch Sentences About Stating Preferences

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Master your Dutch vocabulary and elevate your language skills with Clozemaster! Our comprehensive guide features 20 meticulously curated sentences to perfect your ability to state preferences in Dutch. Accompanied by native text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, these Dutch sentences are specifically designed to enhance your intermediate Dutch proficiency. Whether you're looking to fine-tune your Dutch phrases or expand your conversational capabilities, our engaging platform provides an immersive learning experience. Get ready to confidently express your likes and dislikes with our intuitive Dutch sentences collection—your gateway to fluent Dutch communication.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Dutch from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Alleen werklozen daten op woensdagen.

    Only unemployed people date on Wednesdays.

  • Drink je liever koffie of thee?

    Do you like coffee or tea?

  • Een dure auto is een statussymbool.

    An expensive car is a status symbol.

  • Hij geniet ervan om vegetariër te zijn.

    He enjoys being a vegetarian.

  • Hij verkiest vis boven vlees.

    He prefers fish to meat.

  • Ik geef de voorkeur aan mineraalwater.

    I prefer mineral water.

  • Ik heb besloten om te stoppen met roken.

    I decided to quit smoking.

  • Ik hou van snoepjes.

    I like candies.

  • Ik verkies thee boven koffie.

    I prefer tea over coffee.

  • Ik vind geen van beide taarten lekker.

    I like neither of the cakes.

  • Ik zou wat jasmijn groene thee drinken.

    I would drink some jasmine green tea.

  • Koffie wekt mijn interesse niet.

    Coffee does not arouse my interest.

  • Mijn smaak verschilt sterk van die van jou.

    My tastes differ greatly from yours.

  • Muzieksmaak verschilt van persoon tot persoon.

    Music preferences vary from person to person.

  • Natuurlijk zijn veel ouderen blij met hun pensioen.

    Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement.

  • Vroeg aankomen is goed.

    Arriving early is good.

  • Wij genieten ervan om naar het strand te gaan.

    We enjoy going to the beach.

  • Ze is geen kieskeurige eter.

    She is not a picky eater.

  • Ze vindt de zanger leuk.

    She likes the singer.

  • Zij is een liefhebber van de natuur.

    She is a lover of nature.

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