Persian Farsi Sentences About Apologizing

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Boost your Persian Farsi vocabulary with our carefully curated list of 20 sentences about "Apologizing" in Persian Farsi. Designed for intermediate Persian Farsi learners, each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your comprehension and pronunciation. Whether you're refining your Persian Farsi sentences or expanding your Persian Farsi phrases, our resource offers practical, everyday examples to elevate your language skills. Explore these essential Persian Farsi sentences now and take a crucial step towards fluency in Persian Farsi. Start improving your vocabulary and communication ability today with Clozemaster’s enriching content!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • این برای رفع سوءتفاهم است.

    This is to clear up the misunderstanding.

  • او بابت تخلفاتش در حق ما عذرخواهی کرد.

    He apologized for his trespasses against us.

  • او به‌خاطر این دروغ عمیقاً متأسف بود.

    She was deeply sorry for the lie.

  • او در عذرخواهی‌اش صادق بود.

    He was earnest in his apology.

  • بابت تأخیر عذرخواهی می‌کنم.

    I apologize for the delay.

  • بابت مزاحمت پوزش می‌خواهم.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • بابت وقفه عذرخواهی می‌کنم.

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • باید بپذیریم که مرتکب اشتباه شده ایم.

    We must concede that we committed an error.

  • باز هم از اینکه مرا نجات دادید، متشکرم.

    Thanks again for rescuing me, again.

  • به‌خاطر اشتباه او متأسف هستیم.

    We are sorry for his mistake.

  • به‌خاطر تأخیر در ارسال دستورالعمل عذر می‌خواهم.

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

  • در رابطه با این، من مقصر هستم.

    In relation to this, I am to blame.

  • لطفاً من را ببخشید.

    Pardon me, please.

  • متأسفم به شما اطلاع دهم که او فوت کرده است.

    I am very sorry to inform you that she died.

  • متأسفم که این‌قدر به شما تحمیل کردم.

    I am sorry I have imposed so much on you.

  • متأسفم که دیر کردم.

    I'm sorry for being late.

  • من حق دخالت نداشتم.

    I had no right to interfere.

  • من را ببخشید!

    Forgive me!

  • من یک عذرخواهی به شما بدهکارم.

    I owe you an apology.

  • من هیچ‌وقت قصد فریب دادن تو را نداشتم.

    I never meant to deceive you.

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