Persian Farsi Sentences About Communication

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Welcome to Clozemaster's dedicated page for enhancing your Persian Farsi vocabulary through engaging and practical sentences about "Communication." Here, you'll find 20 curated Persian Farsi sentences, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Our carefully selected phrases are designed to help intermediate Persian Farsi learners improve their language skills by immersing them in everyday conversational contexts. Explore this resource to effectively boost your Persian Farsi vocabulary, master essential Persian Farsi sentences, and practice commonly used Persian Farsi phrases. Dive in and take your intermediate Persian Farsi proficiency to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • آیا یکی از شما می‌خواهد بیاید اینجا و کاری را که من انجام دادم دوباره انجام دهد؟

    Does one of you want to come here and redo what I just did?

  • از شکست‌خوردن نترسید.

    Don't be afraid to fail.

  • افراطی‌ها از مذاکره امتناع کردند.

    The extremists refused to negotiate.

  • این اتفاق کی رخ داد؟

    When did this occur?

  • او از جزئیات معامله پرسید.

    He asked for the particulars of the deal.

  • او انجام آن کار را انکار می‌کند.

    He denies having done it.

  • او اندکی اطلاعات جمع‌آوری کرد.

    He collected bits of information.

  • او یک بسته نامه به من داد.

    She handed me a bundle of letters.

  • او یک سخنرانی ایراد کرد.

    He delivered a speech.

  • او ناشنوا است و از زبان اشاره استفاده می‌کند.

    She is deaf and uses sign language.

  • او نسبت به پیشنهادات من بی‌تفاوت به نظر می‌رسد.

    She seems indifferent to my suggestions.

  • بابت وقفه عذرخواهی می‌کنم.

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • تام برای ماری آرزوی موفقیت کرد.

    Tom wished Mary good luck.

  • تام در مورد خودرو جدیدش لاف خواهد زد.

    Tom will boast about his new car.

  • چرا اینقدر مرموز هستید؟

    Why are you being so secretive?

  • شرایط به طور چشمگیری تغییر کرده است.

    The situation has changed dramatically.

  • مقدمه او کوتاه اما آموزنده بود.

    His introduction was brief but informative.

  • من آن را نوشتم.

    I wrote it.

  • من یک تلفن جدید خریدم.

    I bought a new phone.

  • هیچ کس از فروشنده‌های بی‌ادب خوشش نمی‌آید.

    Nobody likes impolite salesmen.

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