Persian Farsi Sentences About Criticizing

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Looking to enhance your Persian Farsi vocabulary with practical examples? Dive into our curated list of 20 sentences about "Criticizing" in Persian Farsi. Perfect for intermediate Persian Farsi learners, each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to bolster your comprehension and pronunciation skills. These Persian Farsi sentences and phrases are specifically selected to help you grasp common expressions and improve your fluency. Explore this resource on Clozemaster and take your Persian Farsi to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • آیا به من تهمت دروغگو بودن می‌زنی؟

    Are you accusing me of being a liar?

  • این مدل چاپلوسی شما را به جایی نخواهد رساند.

    That sort of flattery will get you nowhere.

  • او آن حقیقت را انکار کرد.

    He denied that fact.

  • او در یک کلاهبرداری بزرگ شرکت کرد.

    He took part in a big scam.

  • او رفتاری خودخواهانه دارد.

    He behaves in a selfish manner.

  • او همیشه در حال شکایت است.

    He is always complaining.

  • برخی از اعضای هیئت‌مدیره توانایی او برای اداره شرکت را زیر سؤال بردند.

    Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.

  • تام کارش را مورد بی‌توجهی قرار داد.

    Tom neglected his work.

  • تد فاید صلاحیت تدریس زبان انگلیسی است.

    Ted is incompetent to teach English.

  • تصمیم او به‌شدت احمقانه بود.

    His decision was extremely foolish.

  • حرف‌های او خیلی توهین‌آمیز بود.

    His remarks were very offensive.

  • رفتار او نامناسب بود.

    Her behavior was inappropriate.

  • رفتارشان کاملا نادرست بود.

    Their behavior was utterly improper.

  • رفتارش شرم‌آور بود.

    His behavior was embarrassing.

  • شبیه یک خرفت به نظر می‌رسی.

    You look like an imbecile.

  • شما امروز وحشتناک به نظر می‌رسید.

    You look awful today.

  • شما بوی سیگار می‌دهید.

    You stink of cigarettes.

  • شما یک احمق هستید.

    You are a moron.

  • فحاشی او شنوندگان را رنجانید.

    His swearing offended the listeners.

  • کمبود انعطاف‌پذیری مانعی برای پیشرفت است.

    Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to progress.

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