Persian Farsi Sentences About Education

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Welcome to Clozemaster's dedicated page for expanding your Persian Farsi vocabulary with a focus on education. This resource features 20 carefully selected Persian Farsi sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, designed to help you master intermediate Persian Farsi. By practicing these essential Persian Farsi phrases, you'll sharpen your language skills and gain the confidence to engage in educational conversations. Whether you're an aspiring linguist or improving your proficiency, these sentences offer a practical and immersive way to enhance your understanding of the Persian Farsi language. Dive in and elevate your learning experience today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • این پاراگراف به چه معناست؟

    What does this paragraph mean?

  • این یک مدل اسکلت انسان است.

    This is a human skeleton model.

  • او با موفقیت امتحان را قبول شد.

    He successfully passed the exam.

  • او برای امتحان به طور کافی آماده نشد.

    She did not prepare adequately for the test.

  • او برای پروژه‌اش موادی را جمع‌آوری کرد.

    He collected materials for the project.

  • او بر روی مسئله پیچیده کار می‌کرد.

    She labored over the complex problem.

  • او تلاش می‌کند هر روز یک کلمه جدید انگلیسی یاد بگیرد.

    She tries to learn a new word in English every day.

  • او تمام آزمون‌های خود را با موفقیت گذراند.

    She passed all her tests successfully.

  • او جایزه ممتازی را در همه موضوعات برد.

    He won the prize for excellence in all subjects.

  • او درس ریاضی‌اش را مردود می‌شود

    He is failing his math class.

  • بگذارید با یک نمودار توضیح دهم.

    Let me explain it with a diagram.

  • توضیح شفاف او منطقی بود.

    His lucid explanation made sense.

  • دانش آموزان من مشتاقانه منتظر نتایج آزمون بودند.

    My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.

  • کتابخانه یک منبع عالی است.

    The library is a great resource.

  • ما باید سعی کنیم پیچیدگی آن را کاهش دهیم.

    We have to try to reduce its complexity.

  • مچ او را وسط کلاس حین رؤیاپردازی‌کردن گرفتند.

    She was caught daydreaming during the class.

  • من جغرافیا و تاریخ را دوست دارم.

    I like geography and history.

  • نمره‌های من بالاتر از حد متوسط هستند.

    My grades are above average.

  • نوشتن پایان‌نامه‌ات را تمام کردی؟

    Have you finished writing your thesis?

  • هیچ چیزی مانع درس خواندن او نخواهد شد.

    Nothing will hinder her study.

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