Persian Farsi Sentences About Politics

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Welcome to Clozemaster’s dedicated page for enhancing your Persian Farsi vocabulary through politics-themed sentences! Specifically designed for intermediate Persian Farsi learners, this resource offers 20 carefully selected sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Delve into authentic Persian Farsi phrases and expressions commonly used in political contexts and boost your comprehension and speaking skills. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Iran or aiming to improve your language proficiency, our collection of Persian Farsi sentences serves as a practical and engaging tool for mastering intermediate Persian Farsi effectively. Start advancing your Persian Farsi vocabulary with us today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • ایدئولوژی سیاسی او از طریق تجربه شکل‌گرفته بود.

    His political ideology was shaped by experience.

  • اعتراض ظرف چند روز به سراسر کشور گسترش یافت.

    The protest spread nationwide within days.

  • آلمان یک جمهوری پارلمانی است.

    Germany is a parliamentary republic.

  • این سیاست تنها به رشد تورم شتاب خواهد داد.

    The policy will only accelerate inflation.

  • او ایدئولوژی‌های کمونیستی را برای درس علوم سیاسی خود مطالعه کرد.

    He studied the communist ideologies for his political science course.

  • او یک سیاستمدار پرانرژی است.

    He is an energetic politician.

  • تا زمانی که کشورهای مستقل دارای قدرت زیاد وجود دارند، جنگ اجتناب‌ناپذیر است.

    As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable.

  • تزار سرنگون شد.

    The Czar was overthrown.

  • حاکمیت تنها متعلق به مردم است.

    Sovereignty belongs to the people alone.

  • دولت سازمان تروریستی را تحریم خواهد کرد.

    The government will sanction the terrorist organization.

  • رأی اتفاق‌نظر است.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • رهبر به واسطه یک رأی مردم‌سالار تعیین شد.

    A democratic vote decided the leader.

  • رئیس جدید بسیاری از پروتکل‌های سنتی را کنار گذاشت.

    The new president did away with a lot of the traditional protocols.

  • شصت نماینده انتخاب شدند.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • فعالان در بیرون ساختمان تظاهرات کردند.

    Activists were protesting outside the building.

  • کشور آنها در معرض تهدید هرج و مرج است.

    Their country is threatened by anarchy.

  • کمیته‌ای از نمایندگان کنگره وارد شده است.

    A committee of congressmen has arrived.

  • ما از فساد سیاسی خسته و آزرده هستیم.

    We are sick and tired of political corruption.

  • معاهده امضا شد.

    The treaty was signed.

  • هر دو کشور درباره یک توافق مربوط به بحران مذاکره خواهند کرد.

    The two countries will negotiate a settlement to the crisis.

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