Portuguese Sentences About Environment

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Elevate your intermediate Portuguese skills with our insightful collection of 20 environment-themed Portuguese sentences! At Clozemaster, we've meticulously crafted a learning experience that enriches your Portuguese vocabulary through engaging, context-rich phrases. Accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, each Portuguese sentence is designed to help you grasp the intricacies of environmental terminology. Whether you're passionate about ecological subjects or aiming to broaden your language mastery, this resource is perfect for those seeking to reinforce their knowledge of essential Portuguese vocabulary and phrases. Start your journey towards fluency today and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Portuguese language learning with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A família se adaptou rapidamente ao novo ambiente.

    The family assimilated quickly into their new environment.

  • As correntes marítimas podem ser perigosas.

    Ocean currents can be dangerous.

  • A seca provocou uma grave falta de água.

    The drought caused a severe water shortage.

  • As mudanças climáticas afetam toda a humanidade.

    Climate change affects all of humankind.

  • Cada espécie é importante para o ecossistema.

    Every species is important to the ecosystem.

  • Carvão e gás natural são combustíveis naturais.

    Coal and natural gas are natural fuels.

  • Eles moram na selva.

    They live in the jungle.

  • É melhor nós aproveitarmos nossos recursos naturais.

    We had better utilize our natural resources.

  • Eu gosto de ar fresco.

    I like fresh air.

  • Eu prefiro copos de papel aos de plástico.

    I prefer paper cups to plastic ones.

  • Me pediram para fazer algumas observações sobre a conservação de energia.

    I was asked to make a few remarks on energy conservation.

  • O decaimento do santuário deve-se, em parte, à chuva ácida.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • O lago congelou.

    The pond froze over.

  • O presidente anuncia novas políticas climáticas.

    The president announces new climate policies.

  • Os copos são descartáveis após um uso.

    The cups are disposable after one use.

  • O solo aqui é fértil.

    The soil here is fertile.

  • Os painéis solares estão gerando eletricidade.

    The solar panels are generating electricity.

  • Os recifes de corais atraem uma variedade de bela vida marinha.

    Coral reefs attract a variety of beautiful marine life.

  • Por favor, coloque seu lixo nos caixotes do lado de fora.

    Please put your waste in the bins outside.

  • Somos influenciados pelo nosso ambiente.

    We are influenced by our environment.

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