Portuguese Sentences About Money

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate resource for enhancing your Portuguese vocabulary! Our meticulously curated page provides 20 practical Portuguese sentences focused on 'Money', coupled with reliable text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're an intermediate Portuguese learner or looking to polish your language skills, these phrases will enrich your financial lexicon and improve your conversational fluency. Engage with our interactive platform and master essential Portuguese phrases related to currency, transactions, and economic concepts, propelling your language proficiency to new heights. Start now and unlock a wealth of financial vocabulary in Portuguese with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A maior parte do dinheiro foi gasta.

    The greater part of the money was spent.

  • Dinheiro ou cartão de crédito?

    Cash or credit card?

  • Ela ficou dentro do seu orçamento.

    She stayed within her budget.

  • Ela ganha $20 por hora.

    She earns $20 per hour.

  • Ela herdou uma grande fortuna.

    She inherited a large fortune.

  • Ele encontrou um dólar no chão.

    He found a dollar on the ground.

  • Ele estava afundando em dívidas no cartão de crédito.

    He was drowning in credit card debt.

  • Ele tem apenas quatro pesos.

    He has only four pesos.

  • Em hipótese alguma podemos aceitar cheques.

    Under no circumstances can we accept checks.

  • Estou com dificuldades financeiras.

    I am in financial difficulties.

  • O banco cobra taxas mensais.

    The bank charges monthly fees.

  • O custo de vida aumentou drasticamente.

    The cost of life increased drastically.

  • O franco é usado na Suíça.

    The franc is used in Switzerland.

  • O Sr. Brown é o nosso assessor financeiro.

    Mr. Brown is our financial adviser.

  • Quanto custa isso?

    How much does it cost?

  • Quanto é o preço de entrada?

    How much is the entrance fee?

  • Suas finanças mudaram para pior.

    His finances have changed for the worse.

  • Todos os contribuintes têm o direito de saber para onde vai o seu dinheiro.

    All taxpayers have the right to know where their money goes.

  • Tom deu gorjeta ao motorista do táxi.

    Tom tipped the cab driver.

  • Tom ganhou bastante dinheiro nos seus vinte anos.

    Tom made quite a lot of money in his twenties.

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