Portuguese Sentences About Position / Location

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Expand your Portuguese vocabulary and master the nuances of expressing position and location with Clozemaster's interactive learning tool. Our curated list of 20 essential Portuguese sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is tailored specifically for intermediate Portuguese learners. Immerse yourself in the language as you listen, repeat, and solidify your understanding of key Portuguese phrases related to location. Whether you're navigating through bustling cities or describing objects around you, our intuitive platform provides the perfect practice to enhance your verbal skills and comprehension. Start confidently conversing about position and location in Portuguese today with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A biblioteca fica na parte central da cidade.

    The library is in the central part of the city.

  • Coloque isso ao alcance.

    Put it within reach.

  • Ela sentou do outro lado.

    She sat on the other side.

  • Eles moram lá.

    They live there.

  • Entre na fila.

    Get in line.

  • Estou de pé no meio do pátio da escola.

    I am standing in the middle of the schoolyard.

  • Eu guardo isso no sótão.

    I keep it in the attic.

  • Eu moro no quinto andar.

    I live on the fifth floor.

  • Eu os vi no corredor.

    I saw them in the hallway.

  • Eu vi um barco a montante da ponte.

    I saw a boat upstream of the bridge.

  • Havia um gravador em cima da mesa.

    There was a tape recorder on the table.

  • Meu quarto fica no quarto andar.

    My room is on the fourth floor.

  • O banheiro fica no andar de baixo.

    The bathroom is downstairs.

  • O gato desapareceu atrás do sofá.

    The cat disappeared behind the sofa.

  • O gato sentou-se na mesa.

    The cat sat on the table.

  • O maior quarto é voltado para o sul.

    The largest bedroom faces south.

  • Onde fica a caixa de correio?

    Where is the mailbox?

  • O padre mora perto da igreja.

    The priest lives near the church.

  • Tom caminhou em direção aos elevadores.

    Tom walked toward the elevators.

  • Tom está no porão.

    Tom is in the basement.

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