Portuguese Sentences About Possibility and Certainty

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Elevate your command of intermediate Portuguese with Clozemaster's comprehensive guide to mastering expressions of possibility and certainty. Our resourceful page presents 20 meticulously curated Portuguese sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, to enrich your Portuguese vocabulary. Dive into the nuances of the language and articulate your thoughts on likelihood and assurance with finesse. Whether you're looking to polish your conversational skills or excelling in written Portuguese, these Portuguese phrases are an invaluable tool for learners at an intermediate level or above. Start exploring the shades of probability and confidence in Portuguese and speak with conviction today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A possibilidade parece improvável.

    The possibility seems unlikely.

  • Barcos podem afundar.

    Boats can sink.

  • Com toda a probabilidade, vai chover esta tarde.

    In all likelihood, it will rain this afternoon.

  • Deve ser o carteiro.

    It must be the postman.

  • Devido às suas notas altas, ele será inevitavelmente aceito na universidade.

    Due to his high grades, he will inevitably be accepted to the university.

  • Ele conseguia fazer profecias e elas sempre se realizavam.

    He could make prophecies and they would always come true.

  • Ele possuía uma casa grande e dois carros.

    He possessed a large house and two cars.

  • Essa tarefa não é impossível.

    That task is not impossible.

  • Esta casa corre o risco de desabar.

    This house runs the risk of collapsing.

  • Eu antecipo que haverá problemas na expedição deles.

    I anticipate that there will be problems on their expedition.

  • Eu estou incerto de quando ele virá novamente.

    I am uncertain when he will come next.

  • Eu posso comprovar isso.

    I can prove it.

  • Eu posso não me formar.

    I may not graduate.

  • Há alguma possibilidade dele renunciar?

    Is there any possibility of his resigning?

  • Isso parece arriscado.

    This seems risky.

  • Não é necessariamente assim.

    It is not necessarily so.

  • Não há como prever o que pode acontecer.

    There is no predicting what may happen.

  • Vai queimar.

    It will burn.

  • Você pode ir aonde quiser.

    You can go wherever you want.

  • Você tem certeza da sua decisão?

    Are you sure about your decision?

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