Portuguese Sentences About Safety

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Welcome to our resourceful guide, designed to enhance your intermediate Portuguese! Featuring 20 carefully curated sentences centered around the theme "Safety," our platform is an invaluable tool for expanding your Portuguese vocabulary. Each sentence is presented with text-to-speech audio to ensure accurate pronunciation, accompanied by English translations for a clear understanding. Dive into our collection of Portuguese phrases to not only bolster your language skills but also to heighten your safety awareness. Join us now to bridge the gap between learning and practical application with essential Portuguese sentences for real-world situations. Let's learn and stay safe simultaneously!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A etiqueta avisa que o conteúdo da caixa é frágil.

    The label warns that the contents of the box are fragile.

  • Cuidado com seus os dedos do pé.

    Watch your toes.

  • Cuidado onde pisa em becos escuros.

    Watch your step in dark alleys.

  • Devemos ficar vigilantes à noite.

    We must be vigilant at night.

  • Ele guarda suas pistolas em uma maleta.

    He stores his pistols in a case.

  • Ele ignorou nossos avisos.

    He ignored our warnings.

  • Eles pegaram um intruso na casa.

    They caught an intruder in the house.

  • Este lugar é seguro?

    Is this place secure?

  • Ficamos dentro de casa durante as tempestades.

    We stayed inside during the storms.

  • Não atravesse a estrada sem olhar para os dois lados.

    Do not cross the road without looking both ways.

  • Não derrube o copo.

    Don't drop the glass.

  • Não esqueça de definir uma senha forte.

    Remember to set a strong password.

  • O palácio estava protegido.

    The palace was heavily guarded.

  • O segurança permaneceu vigilante a noite toda.

    The security guard remained watchful all night.

  • Tenha cuidado ao atravessar a rua.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Todos os carros de polícia eram equipados com vidros à prova de balas.

    All the police cars were equipped with bulletproof glass.

  • Tom apertou o cinto de segurança.

    Tom fastened his seatbelt.

  • Tome precauções.

    Take precautions.

  • Use-o com cautela.

    Use it with caution.

  • Você vai precisar de um segurança.

    You will need a bodyguard.

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